[h3][u]Ayer Lecomte[/u][/h3] [b]-- 9:37pm[/b] - Mentions[@Mataus] Though the battle ended rather quickly, Ayer still felt jitters of adrenaline. He tried to keep his breathing stable as they skulked across the port. Upon being notified of the opening the patrol, he nodded and scurried after his friend, keeping a concerned look out as the cross the main walk towards the edges of the harbor by the ocean water where the boats were tethered. They were closing in to the first stage of their escape now. Ayer was familiar with how the arcane engines and rotors worked on most vessels, and judging by how they looked from afar, there wasn't any concern for any sort of odd technology he hasn't come across before. "Smaller... Okay... umm, let's see." He agreed with this sentiment. His eyes caught sight of the fleet's pride, a large cruiser compared to the rest. It can be safe to assume that their largest ship was also their fastest, and so stealing any of the lesser vessels will only lead to a chase they cannot hope to win. They would need to rely on slipping past without alerting. That would be the best bet. As Ayer looked across their selection, keeping his head low as he practically crawled, he noticed a slight bobbing in the water and ducked his head over the side to see a rather small dingy in between the other vessels. Base don how unassuming it looked, and how it's sleek size probably meant it didn't have a motor of any sort, he was unsure if they would be able to pilot it properly. He also doubted if they would be able to reach the other shore in time before the Nillium patrols would discover the aftermath of what happened back in the alleyway leading to the harbor with the captain [b]Mop[/b]. If that happened, stealth would not be a correct trade for speed. Thus, they would need a blend of both for this plan to succeed. Luckily... Ayer pointed down to it, tapping the Eldi on the shoulder, "There... a small dingy in the water. It doesn't look like it has an engine for a rotor, but it's probably our best chance of slipping out unnoticed. However, it's pretty far down. And the thing is, while I don't mind swimming, water doesn't fare well for my Ars. My crafts won't break, per se, but getting water in some of the auxiliary units causes some complications with the mechanisms that'll increase risk. I might not be able to use [b]Wax Jury[/b] right away if we fail the jump." He looked for a scaffold or a set of protruding nails, where they can climb easier. "And for my plan to work, that cannot be the case..." ...