I've got two ideas, and I probably need help ironing them out and deciding which one to go with: [b]1. Speed Demon:[/b] The Flash/Ghost Rider. The idea here is to have a Speedster-esque Antihero who got his speed because of a deal with the Devil. He'd have Flash's speed (though probably nerfed a bit, and I don't really think the Speed Force will ever come up either due to the more demonic origins of the powers) and some of Ghost Rider's stuff (Flaming skull for instance, leaving fire trails in his wake instead of a lightning aura, the Penance Stare, etc). I think where I'm stuck is Villains. I know the Flash's rogues fairly well, but not Ghost Rider's. Plus I'd have no idea how or who to fuse them with. [b]2. Spider-Bolt:[/b] Spider-Man/Static Shock. Having the Spider-side of him be based on Miles Morales makes the most sense to me (though truth be told I'm far more familiar with Peter Parker). I think Miles even had an electric web thing too, even. I know both characters decently well, including a lot of their Rogues Galleries. The only issue I see with this is Static. I know he's technically part of DC but I don't know if that's enough to justify him being in the Amalgam Universe.