[center][h3][u][b]Paric[/b][/u][/h3] [@RyuShura][/center] Feeling the tap, Paric looked to where Ayer was pointing at a dingy in the water. [i]It was perfect[/i]. It was exactly what they would need for a inconspicuous escape to a nearby shore. He waited till Ayer finished his comment, "good find, friend." The bit about not getting Wax Jury wet was a little concerning, especially given that Ayer was planning to use it in stride with moving dingy. After all, it was a difficult climb into a moving boat and they would need faster propulsion than oars, if there even were any at the bottom of the craft. Paric had not been on a boat for a long, long time. In fact, he barely remembered why he was last on a boat. His best guess was a ferry that moved him across a body of water. He did know about the creatures that made the water their home... and about how many unfortunate souls found themselves in a watery grave. They would not want to be in the dingy long, less they find themselves being attacked. [i]With any luck, those were just drunk stories. Told by sailors who wanted to spook their friends.[/i] "Let me go first. I have the messed up arm. I don't want to fall during the climb and knock you into the water." He said, making his way to the nails that provided a haphazard ladder to the dingy. He felt strong enough to make the climb, his weight was in his favor, at least. "Here goes nothing," he muttered with an outburst of breath. He lowered himself over and began the climb.