[quote=@Meep] Kamri slowly pulled back the bandages covering the wound on Rooks leg and resisted the urge to grimace. She'd learned pretty fast that showing emotion while tending to someone wasn't necessarily always the best thing. The wound was pretty deep and as she pulled the solid bandage away fresh blood seeped from the gash. Quickly Kamri pulled the pan of water from the fire and began to clean the wound. ... As she finished cleaning the wound she held a clean bandage to it to staunch the bleeding and reached for her needle and thread. "I have to sew you up Rook, I have a Salve for numbing but there isn't much left. Do you want it or not?" [/quote] As Kamri re-cleaned the 3 day old wound, Rook sucked in a sharp breath and her hands clenched into fists. She did her best to concentrate on the conversation about the ruins and about the Trickster, but still flinched frequently as Kamri worked. [i]Shades! Yes, I want the salve!,[/i] she thought to herself, but instead shook her head. "You can save it." The ranger reached out and rested a shaky hand on Kan's arm, perhaps hoping to borrow some of his strength for a short time. "Wouldn't this Trickster be long dead by now... if he's one and same as 'The Raven?'" she asked before Kamri started stitching. -- Letha's heart leapt into her throat when she saw Peyton dragged into the Waterfront. "Let him go!" she yelled, starting forward with the only thought being to get to her son, to protect him from these monsters. But one of her fellow townsfolk grabbed her shoulder to stay her. "Don't be rash, Letha," the man cautioned softly, then he looked at Vatikar, barely heeding old Ragnar moving through the crowd. "No one's rushing off," he said, trying to diffuse the situation, "we'll do what we can to help find the criminal." And Letha felt tears come, unbidden, to her eyes, feeling as if she would have to betray the Revolt to save her son.