So, this has the potential to be taken down, which is always a fun gamble. Hi! Let's just say I've been out of town for a while (a long while) and spam is much different from back in the good ol' days. All I see now are strange games that have no real purpose. That's fine, I'm flexible! So in the spirit of Spam's current culture, I present to you this gem of an idea. Basically, you bring up a subject that you feel strongly about and express your opinion on it. Everyone will discuss that topic until the conversation simply runs out, at which point a new topic will be chosen. Pretty freeform I know, as bitter internet debates have flames more fiery and eternal than a star, but we'll figure it out. The topic doesn't have to be controversial, just something you feel strongly about. So if you feel strongly about waffles, you talk about that. You get the picture. Alright, let's begin! First come, first serve.