It didn't take long for Lilith to dispose of the trio. It took considerably longer to clean the blood off her dress. Once satisfactorily wiped down, Lilith moved the bodies to one corner of the room and then removed all light bulbs. With a deep, slow breath the kumiho stepped out of the room, locked the door behind her, and went to rejoin the party downstairs. It wasn't long before another proposal came her way; seemed this gathering was full of generous souls who hated to see a woman alone. And so, that is how Lilith’s night progressed, taking group after group to her darkened den. It wasn't until leaving the fourth set of bodies, she was finally confronted by a couple wanting their turn in the room. Gritting her teeth into a smile, the raven-haired woman unlocked and swung open the door for them. As they began to enter, the woman commented on the strange smell and the man tried flipping the lightswitch with no result. They both turned as if to ask Lilith what was going on but she was on them before they could do so. A carefully aimed shove pushed the man into the woman and both landed on the floor, giving Lilith space to enter and close the door behind her. Shocked and disoriented in the dark room, it was easy for the fox to gut them and add their bodies to the pile. Growling with displeasure, she began the process of wiping herself clean once more. There was no point in trying to save the dress, an even coating of blood had painted the gold and coral colored chrysanthemums a deep, wine red. This was passable with the strobing lights of the party but Lilith couldn't leave blood smeared on her skin without drawing unwanted attention. She had long ago given up on her hair, opting to tie it in a bun to keep it out of the way. She looked like less of a party-goer but thankfully, everyone was so far gone at this point, it hardly mattered. There were, however, other complications. With a third of the attendees piled in a room upstairs, the crowd was noticeably sparse and people were beginning to pay more attention to their surroundings. One man in particular seemed far too aware of everything, including Lilith. He was obviously hired muscle but he seemed hesitant to initiate anything, especially without knowing for certain that what going on. Best not to ruin your boss's party over a misunderstanding. Still, his eyes lingered on the mysterious woman who was so often seen alone despite her obvious popularity. As if on cue, she was approached once more. “Hey, have you seen my friend, Tanya? I saw you talking with her a few hours ago but I haven’t seen her since. I’m starting to get a little worried…” Lilith’s jaw tightened as she tried to hide her displeasure. Still, her eyes narrowed slightly, giving her cold gaze an even more intimidating air as she analyzed the woman before her. Dark hair cut into a flirty bob and a delicate, almost fairy-like powder blue dress. She was far too adorable for a party like this and the kumiho had no idea who the friend was. She could feign ignorance but the little fey seemed so certain Lilith was one of the last people to be seen with Tanya. The girl didn’t seemed tipsy but not drunk or high enough to be talked into it being a mistake. Suddenly, her golden eyes widened, “Oh, Tanya. Of course, my dear, I know where she is. She’s in one of the rooms upstairs, let me show you.” Placing her hand at the small of the fey’s back, she guided the naive creature to the staircase. A cautious glance over her shoulder allowed Lilith one last look at the bodyguard, his eyes staring right back. [i]Damn… no way to avoid him seeing me come back alone. I hope Aleks is ready, this is where the night gets messy.[/i]