Appearance : [img=] Name : Harrison Jakobson Age : 10 Skill : As a child in the apocalypse, Harrison has learned to survive off of the bare necessities and is good at keeping an optimistic outlook on life. He is additionally smart and resourceful. Weapon (up three): -6' Hunting Knife -Glock Pistol, 4 Bullets (He isn't strong enough to use it) -Self-made spear- Broomstick with a sharpened tip Personality : Though he has spent time alone, fending for himself, he has never been alone this long before. He does his best to keep looking forward towards the future and has an undeniable will to survive. He still maintains a bit of his childish innocence and has not yet killed anyone, or a walker. He is distrustful of most due to bad experiences in his past and is well blessed with a silver tongue and a quick and sharp mind. He is resourceful and does not like letting things go to waste. Brief Bio : Before the outbreak his parents had been divorced and custody of him had gone to his father. On the road trip to his new home they ran into a huge amount of traffic and were chased off the road by walkers. What seems like months later, Harrison is by himself during the apocalypse, barely managing to get by.