[h1][b][color=92278f]Hobgoblin Luz[/color][/b][/h1] [@ReusableSword][@Jangel13][@Kheliop] Luz was interested in seeing what those four mysterious Aura's were, however, Gird had ordered them...them including her to stay behind and stash the gain while he goes to see what. Luz looked slightly disappointed, she frowns yet she told him. [color=92278f]"Very well, stay safe."[/color] She told him trying to sound professional. Nyma then carried to smaller spider up the tree while Luz works to get the bigger spider off Barth's back, so she can get it on to the other tree. Doing so may or may not require Barth help but She will try to do it on her own, First, she expelled a long web from her fingers which she then used to tie one end of the web around the spider's body, then stuck adhesive web to the end of her other web and stick the ends to rocks and other solid objects which she then threw over a strong branch to get the webs between the middle parts of the web between the top of the branch so she can use that branch to suspend the spiders body. [color=92278f]"Okay, Barth your job is to make sure the spider does not fall from the web as i pull it up, ready?"[/color] Luz informed him before she begins using her strong arms to pull the spider upwards so its body would be hanging a few feet from the ground, of course, she may or may not need Barth's help to do this. [@Crusader Lord] After all, that was done Luz then clean the dirt off her hands. [color=92278f]"Good work! get to Gird before it gets too dark. As you may have notice Gird Aura us hard enough to see even when he is near us(if i remember correctly), to top it off Gird's aura is pitch black which would make it even harder to find it once it gets too dark. Thank we know he can see aura as well, which means he will unlikely to get lost on his way there. Stay near me cause was it get dark, wolves come out in packs to hunt."[/color] She informed them.