George looked at Sadie as if she was speaking a completely different language. Football he'd heard of, but tennis and rugby? Perhaps had he seen a video or an example of the former, he likely would have understood the former. Since examples weren't available, he remained clueless. "That's a bit rude if they didn't let you play. Did you ever ask him why?" It hardly seemed fair that Sadie hadn't been allowed to join in. Although, had he known the rules, he likely wouldn't have agreed. Quidditch was violent but at least they weren't so young; and magic, which helped a great deal when injuries got worse. "You'll have to show us some, one day. Probably not when it's freezing outside though." Especially since it was only going to get much colder. November had started wet and continued through until the approaching winter winds hit the castle and seemed to whip across faces and under cloaks as students made their way across the bridges and the grounds. They'd each be grateful for the temperature inside their year-round home, but it only seemed to be getting colder by the week. George hadn't expected it be long at all before the snow hit, as excited as he was. The white flakes weren't common in London, nor at his Aunt's boggy home. "Who do the sister's play for? Are they on a team? Like a city team or a country team?" Such a closeted anti-muggle household meant such commonplace things such as television and tennis were far more alien than most would expect; especially considering the short distance between his home and the famous tennis court. "I think you're thinking of Rugby, Georgey." Seine continued, a wide and bright grin still creasing his cheeks. "There aren't really any teams in Tennis, right?"