[center][b][i]Hiron Hon, Konohagakure Jounin-sensei | Team 9[/center][/b][/i] With both the genins saying they understood the mission, which wasn't that hard to understand actually, Hiron picked up the pace. He gave the order for the formation. [b]''Masami, you at the back. Shikaroku, you at the left. Mia, you at the right. We will move in this formation. Stay wary and cautious at all times. And remember.''[/b] Hiron glanced over his shoulders for a moment. [b]''I will watch every movement of yours. One moment of a goof and you'll know why I have my nick.''[/b] His voice had became a bit lower and very serious. Looking back in front of him again, Hiron quickly managed to move himself up a tree. Using chakra focused at his feet, he then jumped off from a branch towards another one. Their target wasn't likely too far, but he wanted to keep them going at a pace. [b]''Once the target is in sight, I'll stay out of combat nor will not give any orders. I hope you all know the value of teamwork.''[/b] Hiron told them, but didn't glance in their direction. He simply kept jumping from branch to branch. He then stayed quiet as he continued to lead them to where the turtle was last spotted. It was near a lake, where the animal would have the advantage. If his students wouldn't be able to stop the animal from reaching the waters. Hiron wondered how good they would perform. He had heard some things over Masami, but other than their profiles, he knew not that much over Masami nor Shikaroku. This could become interesting to watch, he figured.