Their exit from Malachor five and by extension the entire system was almost as difficult as landing, but thankfully with their combined efforts(mostly Neta and Ethan), Neta found a way to get the Commodore within range for a tractor beam pull. This, of course, was difficult to pull off while the Commodore was moving AND accounting for the fact that their shuttle was a complete mess. One false telemetry calculation could have sent the shuttle plunging back down onto the surface or, worse yet, the Commodore's tractor beam frequency could get scrambled and by extension the entire magnetic field surrounding the ship. This would then lead to the Commodore crashing nose first into a mountainside. All of these details had been discussed over a comm unit that Ethan managed to piece together from parts of the old ship that they had discovered the planetary survey on(When Ethan was putting everything together, Yerbol made a silent observation to himself that it was all too convenient that the parts needed to formulate a rudimentary comm system capable of communicating through the dense atmospheric conditions of Malachor were ALL on the ship. He filed the thought away to discuss with Aria and the Elders later.) When the party found themselves back on the Commodore, Yerbol managed to breath out one sigh of relief as Neta chirped cheerily over the comms that their "big ol ship" had gotten some attention from pirates on nearby Malachor three, who were now heading their way. After more lurching, rolling, a few blasts from the turrets and Neta's profuse swearing, they jumped to hyperspace. All Yerbol could do afterward was sink deep into a couch situated on the lower deck and close his eyes, not hearing Ethan gushing over how "freaking awesome" Neta was at piloting a ship, Kytra's heart racing even after an hour after they had settled into hyperspace and Ari's conversations with Vano and the Elders about what they had found. It had been about two hours before the Champion resurfaced above deck, a styrofoam cup of caf in his hand as he ambled into the CIC where the others were gathered. "You finally decide to join us? Thought they were going to have to get to Lehon without you." A smirk crossed her features as she nodded towards the caf. "There's bantha milk in the fridge. You miss it?" Yerbol grumbled something about not noticing details after harrowing escapes, sidling next to his wife, who informed him that they had changed course and were headed towards Lehon. Great. After some discussion with the Elders, Neta made her way back to the cockpit, telling her passengers to strap in for another bumpy entrance. While not AS rough as Malachor, Yerbol still felt like his heart would drop into his stomach several times and speculated that his organs might be in a different arrangement by the time their adventures on the farthest parts of the Outer Rim were over. When they landed, Yerbol bristled slightly at Aria's tone towards Kytra, about ready to ask if she were alright before stowing it. He hadn't talked to her very much since they had left Malachor and she wasn't all that ready to disclose to him what she had seen in the meditation chamber at the Academy. Whatever it was had obviously left an indelible impression on her, something he would have to address sometime where they weren't on a planet where the Rakata had left weapons of mass destruction. When Kytra asked about the connection between the Rakata's architecture and the True Sith, Yerbol creased his chin with his right hand, commenting after Aria: "It wouldn't be much of a surprise. If you didn't know this by now, the True Sith were apparently a very influential force on several races across the galaxy. We're still learning so much about what their lasting impact is." "About to hit the loading ramp. Keep me updated, kids! I'd like to know if we need to make a quick exit." Ethan walked next to Yerbol as the loading ramp descended, asking quietly: "How old is she?" Yerbol's brow shot up. "That's not something you discuss with her." "But she's calling us kids and she does-" "Drop it before she hears you." "Bu-" "Trust. Me." End of discussion. __ Lehon was indeed a gorgeous world. Crystalline blue sky stretching out into infinity, verdant stretches of grassy plain complemented by softly rolling hills and thick variants of trees completing the paradise-like landscape. Unfortunately, the party found remnants of those who had gone before, marring the unspoiled wilderness. Frayed backpacks, dried up waterskins, bones scattered across paths, warped pieces of metal that had been so rusted and decayed that one couldn't begin to speculate what purpose it had served. They had found these sights on the path they followed which led in a generally upward direction until they had reached a level plain. Directly opposite of where they stood was the temple they saw from the viewports just an hour earlier, except this time it was much more...towering. Intimidating almost. "Keep your guard up. This screams of a trap." Ethan complied with the directive, saber in hand in an attempt to mirror his master's stance as they cautiously moved ahead. To Yerbol's surprise, nothing came at them. No fiercesome Force dragons, no shadowy assassins, no bat/dragon/demon thing. It was quiet. And unnerving. When they reached the foot of the temple, they were greeted with a solid copper door which was grooved with etchings in a pattern that Yerbol couldn't make sense of. What he COULD make sense of was the object that stood in front of them. It was a triangular shaped piece of metal that, when they drew closer, unfolded, revealing a center pedestal that the three segments were protecting. The Champion's heart began to skip a beat or two as a map was projected, coordinates and trajectories forming an intricate web. "This is-" He sunk to his knees, eyes rolling into the back of his skull as- [i]The last of the droids fell. Who are they? Hunters. Scouts. They have been pursuing me ever since I have been pursuing them. Oddly circular, but makes sense. Why is this the first time I've seen them? Maybe they were watching, waiting to see what would we do. Probably didn't expect me to take someone along. Fair. The duo walked to the foot of the temple. He moved the object to the base. Why leave it here? Doesn't seem right for it to be out in the open on this planet...of all planets. Couldn't leave it in Core space. Whoever finds this will have faced Malachor and survived. Those are who we need to help us. You expect we'll need help? I expect we'll need saviors.[/i] Yerbol's sight returned, yet he fell to his hands, Ethan coming alongside and attempting to help the Champion up only to be waved off. "This is it." He choked out, on one knee. "Have to figure...figure out where they went from this." The visions were taking a toll on him and he bloody well knew it. Exertion of this magnitude was going to break him eventually and he knew he would have to confess this to Aria sooner rather than later.