Oh, right, [u]pre-emptively explaining that Wanjika tends to slur her words[/u] with a noticiable speech impairment, due mostly to being hard of hearing. In short, your voice sounds different than you think it does when you can't hear yourself as well as everybody else. -Similar to why tape-recordings tend to sound a bit "off" from how the speaker remembers they sounded... except worse... much worse. -Comparable to driving blind down I-95 in a blizzard. She's highly concious of this, and tends to exaggerate her voice to a cartoonish extent to cover this up. Ironicly, this makes her sound like a foriegner. That or "slow" whenever her tongue isn't quite in the right place. Again, firsthand experiance. Impaired hearing, speech impediments, and [i]decades[/i] of speech therapy kinda go together. *[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izFoewhIces]shrugs[/url]* BTW, hug me and I'll shank you with a knife. I've had bad experiances with hugs... I'm getting better at it though.