I had a [i]really[/i] weird idea and then put too much effort into it. [hider=Milo Jackson] [h1][color=DarkOrange][center]Milo Jackson[/center][/color][/h1] [center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/4f19/f/2018/211/4/1/screenshot__26__by_crystal_amalgam-dcir9bj.png[/img][/center] [i][center]Art by me[/center][/i] [color=DarkOrange][center]“Look, you’re going to hear some bad things about me, but I swear I’m not like that. I swear I’m not the bad guy.”[/center][/color] [color=DarkOrange]Name[/color] [hr] Milo Jackson [color=DarkOrange]Age[/color] [hr] 17 years [color=DarkOrange]Gender[/color] [hr] Male [color=DarkOrange]Appearance[/color] [hr] Milo has dark brown, curly ear-length hair. His eyes are a dark brown and he has a tanned skin tone. He is 5’11 and is of average weight, Milo has a lean build and is slightly toned due to being an avid outdoorsman. At first glance, he looks very welcoming and kind, but sometimes he seems to emit an unsettling aura that makes some people uncomfortable. [color=DarkOrange]Personality[/color] [hr] Milo’s persona is very accepting, reasonable, and friendly- Perhaps too friendly in some people’s opinions. He tolerates practically everything and has no issues with anyone, at least in Amberstone unless people choose to believe the rumors. For the most part, he’s nice but just a tad bit weird. Milo also loves to explore and adventure, he likes the outdoors despite it being full of dinosaurs and other threats. He respects the dinosaurs but also fears them, especially after getting lost in the wilderness for some time back in Florida. Milo doesn’t speak much about Florida, he usually will just talk about his family if the subject is brought up. When he’s not doing anything active, Milo likes to wear comfortable clothes, such as hoodies, tees, and sweatpants. Other times he’ll wear much more sporty clothes or things made for outdoors activities. He likes warm colors, such as yellows, reds, and oranges, so most of his clothing reflects this. [color=DarkOrange]Backstory[/color] [hr] Milo grew up and lived in a settlement in southern Florida for a good chunk of his life with his family. Milo’s family consisted of his parents and his little sister, Ellie. He was always very protective of Ellie and was watching over her and making sure she was safe. Milo had always been known as a very caring and protective being, especially around those important to him. At around age 14 or 15, Milo and a group left the settlement to gather supplies, in the group was one of his friends, James, a boy around the same age as Milo. James and Milo somehow got separated from the group and got lost later on. Searching for them was not easy since nobody wanted to bring attention to themselves and alert predators, the search was called off at sundown and was to be resumed tomorrow. By sunrise, most had lost hope aside from the boys’ family and friends, nonetheless, the search was resumed by early morning. Milo wasn’t found until the evening, completely alone, terrified, and sick. He refused to speak until he was back at the settlement and had time to calm down. When asked about James, Milo would only say that “he’s dead” before going silent or changing the subject. The settlement was shocked by the news of James’ death, especially James’ parents. The details on how Milo’s friend died weren’t revealed until weeks later. Ever since getting lost, Milo had been acting differently. People were growing suspicious and he was pressured into telling what happened in the wilderness. Milo revealed that both he and James were attacked by a small juvenile theropod dinosaur and escaped by taking refuge on the roof of an abandoned 3 story office building. James had been seriously injured while escaping and he collapsed once they were safe while Milo had only sustained a few cuts. Later that evening, Milo was bitten by some sort of venomous reptile that put him into a state of hysteria and caused some form of toxic psychosis. He could only describe it as “Immense pain and what felt like temporarily going insane.” During that time, James’ state only got worse and his injuries had seriously weakened him. While Milo was in his temporary mania, he grabbed a brick and knocked James out cold. Milo said that he did this because he was overcome with panic and pain since the venom had altered his thought process, but other than he said he regretted doing that after calming down. At this point, Milo refused to give clearer details and just said that James died after that. In his defense, Milo explained that he had almost no control of himself and was not in a healthy state of mind due to the venom’s effects on him. James’ parents were outraged at the fact that their son was basically murdered by his best friend. Due to James’ parent’s high ranking status in the settlement, they got Milo exiled as an act of revenge a few weeks after the incident. Milo only managed to stay alive by traveling with a nomadic tribe that took him in until he found a new home, and that new home was Amberstone. Milo arrived there two years ago and now tries to live as normal as possible. [color=DarkOrange]Miscellaneous[/color] [hr] -Milo is bilingual, he speaks both English and Spanish. -Milo made his own ouija board and only uses it on the occasion, usually with friends just to mess around. -There’s a lot more to the story between him and James but he won't tell, he might open up if he trusts you. Plot twist, he went cannibal and ate James. That’s the twist. Bye. -He's a fucking cannibal but not a killer. He has no issue eating other humans (or the most part), but he does have an issue taking someone else's life. [/hider]