[center][h2][color=gold][b]Bastion[/b][/color][/h2][/center] Hours passed since that conversation with Luna who invited her to their family restaurant, something she’d never turn down a real hot meal that she didn’t have to hunt, gut or scale the roast over a fire. Soma spent most of her time wandering around the city familiarizing herself with Misa city itself feeling that shouldn’t be leaving anytime soon she might as well know all its alleyways and duck off points, never know when you’ll need to get somewhere quicker. Taking her sweet time to make her way back to her home to take another bath, and throw on some more clean clothes ditching the school girl look in favor of a more urban look. Soma took her hair out of her usual twin ponytails and combined them into a single massive one, it brought out more of her facial features a genuinely good-looking young woman with bright eyes and a button nose whenever it was actually clean. Stepping out of here house Soma started to make her way to the location specified by Luna, she guessed that school was out by now going by the twilight look of the sky being that she didn’t own a working clock. The gems of her flag still shone brightly around her fingers and neck as rings and necklace respectfully, twinking even in the little amount of sunlight that was the danger of getting mugged was almost always a fact but obviously because they were still in her possession the mugging was never successful on their end. Finally making her way to old Miso city she began to look for the udon shop specified [color=gold]“Now where did she say it was?”[/color] Soma asked herself wondering the streets aimlessly before happening upon it by chance.