Appearance: Short dark brown hair with deep,sad brown doe eyes . She's slim with a small build, a very pale complexion and high cheek bones. she doesn't wear makeup because she doesn't see the point, no boys give her attention anyway. She would normally be wearing a pale knee length dress and tights with boots and a big woolen jumper. [img][/img] Name: Rosa Nickson Age: (16+) just turned 17 Gender: female Orientation: straight Relationship Status: never been kissed (single) Occupation: she works part time as a cleaner in an old peoples because her mum is always too sick to go to work (hung over from going out with her friends the night before) and they will not be able to pay the bills if Rosa doesn't work Favourite Books: The brothers grimm fairy tales and aesops fables Personality: Quiet and untrusting. Her mother is a liar and lashes out at her so she has become very introverted and doesn't have any friends because she finds it difficult to let people into her life. She is still deeply hurt about her parents divorce and her fathers disinterest with her because for most of her life he was her only friend . Brief Bio: Rosa started out living in a happy family with her mother, Laura, and her father, Patrick. But everything changed after her mother cheated on her father with many different men on drunken nights out with her friends and one day Patrick just got fed up of it. He paid for everything, even funded Lauras drunken antics because at one point he did truly love her and he wanted to care for her and make the marriage work. But in the end it all crumbled away into dust. He moved away when Rosa was 14 and although he emailed her from time to time it is clear that he wants nothing more to do with his old family, he remarried a year later to a younger less rebellious version of Laura and the last thing he said to Rosa was that his new wife was pregnant with twins, that was 7 months ago. So with both family members replaced Patrick has no need for Laura and Rosa anymore and so they have to deal with life alone. So Rosa has to put up with her drunk of a mother and pretty much pick up all of her mothers responsibilities. She just needs a break and some good friends that will cure her loneliness but with her introverted personality people normally just give up on her because they assume shes not interested in them but she really is. she dreams of finding her prince and living happily ever after but as she knows, dreams don't usually come true.