[h3]Angels who can't fly in hell.[/h3] Angel was only seventeen, but he had a family to help provide for. After his father died in a police shoot out four years ago, it was just him and his mom left to provide. His mom could only find part time jobs and managed to work three so she wasn’t home very often. Angel had two younger sisters that he would literally sell his soul to anyone buying to give them a good life. It was his job to pick up any slack his mom could not handle, so he joined the Hell Fires. Not that he had much of a choice, his family lived in the heart of the gang’s territory, so it was join them or be consumed by them. It wasn’t always guns and drugs in the Hell Fire gang, some times they did some good for the community as they had their own code of honor. However, there were guys that were just crazy and did horrible things just for laughs, but Angel stayed clear of those men and just kept his head down and followed orders. He was just a runner and a dealer, he ran errands for the dudes that were higher up and he sold weed, that was all he was trusted to do as he was did not have the stomach for “a man’s work”. The night he was murdered, by the boy who wanted to free the people of La Vida, he was out slinging drugs. Things had been crazy lately as both Fire’s and Spider’s bodies were piling up, and it seemed that the two were heading for war. That night two other guys were with him to provide back up just in case the Spiders came to mess with him, though, he would have liked it better going out alone. The two with him were not good guys and he wondered if it was only a matter of time before he was going to end up like these two, willing to do anything for money and respect. Though he would never know as a blade cleaved through his neck and the other men were cut down just as easily not even able to draw their guns. Angel lay in the ally trying to stop the blood from escaping his wound, but it was a losing battle. He did not feel hate for the boy who wanted to save the people of La Vida or hatred for the city that forgot about people like him, he thought only of his family, and how they would survive without the little extra cash he brought home and who would protect his sisters when they got older and men started to pay them attention as they walked home from school? Who was going to comfort his mom when things got too heavy and she cried at night thinking she failed her children? However, the last thing Angel would see is the boy in the gas mask thrust his sword into Angel’s heart then the boy knew no more.