[center][img]https://puu.sh/zmqL5/9f5771d644.png[/img][/center] [hr] There was a frown on Snow’s face, it was getting worse by the second, and this boy who should have been hurt here dodged her. What foolish behaviour to deny your punishment, don’t you know that evading punishment only leads to more and more? And to add to this the fact that he talked to her as if she was a kid? a kid with no strength? a kid who enjoys being ridiculed? But most of all, she was being commanded to answer. [color=999cc8]“What?”[/color] Her voice was completely monotone, not a single emotion appearing as her eyes deadlocked on Ryuma’s. [color=999cc8]“Are you trying to trick me?”[/color] Her voice now seemingly raising a decibel or 2, she took a step towards the boy, her hand already reaching out for another chair. [color=999cc8]“If you think I’ll answer any of your questions, you greedy asshole... well i’ve got something for you!”[/color] With a sudden shout, she grabbed the chair took another step forward, and threw it at Ryuma, thought it’s path and velocity could barely be called throwing; the parkour troubadour could easily dodge it. [color=999cc8]“Get lost!”[/color] She shouted, picking up another chair to throw it. [color=999cc8]“You [i]idiots[/i] have never bested me, and you never will!”[/color] And another one. [color=999cc8]“I'm calling the authorities.”[/color] And another one. At this point she had almost reached the exit, but she still felt the need to pick up another chair and… [color=999cc8]“And don’t even [i]try[/i] to stop me!”[/color] Throw it again. WIth the last chair completing the collection of fallen chairs littering the now messy hall, Snow turned around and forcefully pushed her hands against the double doors of the building...only to be greeted by an unknown location. This was wrong, she wasn’t at hope’s peak at all, and that meant that this plot was way more elaborate than she initially assumed. With a sharp turn, she stomped back inside to face Ryuma once more. [color=999cc8]“Where am I? Why am I here!?”[/color] She kept striding towards the boy, until she was awfully close to his face, raising her finger directly at him. [color=999cc8]“Return me at once, or face the consequences!”[/color] [@AimeChambers]