[@Quote5] To be more accurate. Most of the staff basically abandoned the project as soon as it started. The players were more or less left to fend for themselves when it came to everything In Character, no central plotline they could join, no secondary plotlines they could have fun with. A couple people started their own but in general people lost interest and dropped out. It wasn't dead but it also wasn't the massive success that people had been hoping for. After a while some of the more active players still around formed a new staff team and got to work rebuilding it. Around this time a couple people got annoyed at seeing the Expanding Horizon's sub-forum still at the top of the main page and made a topic to complain about it. Eventually the site staff got called in it was decided that Mahz would "move" it to Casual as a single topic. The new staff team for the game decided to wait for Mahz to move it before continuing anything, so things kind of went into hibernation for a bit. However as you can tell that move has yet to take place and it has been months since the decision was made. At this point it's less hibernation and more just dead.