[hider=Kael'thas] [color=gold]Name[/color]: Kael'thas Minathil [color=gold]Race[/color]: Half-Elf [color=gold]Age[/color]: 17 [color=gold]Gender[/color]: Male [color=gold]Appearance[/color]: [hider=Appearance] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MP4khEf.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [color=gold]Level[/color]: 0 [color=gold]Proficiency[/color]: +1 [color=gold]Health[/color]: 2 [color=gold]Stats[/color]: [i]Strength [/i]- 14 (+2) [i]Dexterity [/i]- 10 (+0) [i]Constitution [/i]- 13 (+1) [i]Intelligence [/i]- 14 (+2) [i]Wisdom [/i]- 14 (+2) [i]Charisma [/i]- 12 (+1) [color=gold]Proficient Skills[/color]: Arcana (+3), Insight (+3), Persuasion (+2), Religion (+3) [color=gold]Proficient Tools[/color]: Lute [color=gold]Traits[/color]: [i]Darkvision [/i]- Thanks to your elf blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. [i]Fey Ancestry[/i] - You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep. [i]Skill Versatility[/i] - You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice [i]Languages [/i]- You can speak, read, and write Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, and Orc. [i]Knightly Regard[/i] - You receive shelter and succor from members of your knightly order and those who are sympathetic to its aims. If your order is a religious one, you can gain aid from temples and other religious communities of your deity. Knights of civic orders can get help from the community- whether a lone settlement or a great nation that they serve, and knights of philosophical orders can find help from those they have aided in pursuit of their ideals, and those who share those ideals. This help comes in the form of shelter and meals, and healing when appropriate, as well as occasionally risky assistance, such as a band of local citizens rallying to aid a sorely pressed knight in a fight, or those who support the order helping to smuggle a knight out of town when he or she is being hunted unjustly. [color=gold]Abilities[/color]: None [color=gold]Inventory[/color]: One set of traveler's clothes, insignia of New Dawn, the handle of malleo aurorae, and a pouch containing 10 gp [color=gold]Background[/color]: Son of the Legendary Human Paladin Bedivere Minathil; leader of the enigmatic Order of New Dawn, and prominent Elven mage Melora Sunheart, Kael'thas has lived a life of high expectation. From the tender age of three, he was trained in the ways of a paladin by his father, not in magic, but in faith, wisdom, duty, and even a bit of arcane knowledge. On his tenth birthday, the man he knew as his father had disappeared, his bright smile, and warming presence replace by a cold, gaunt figure, haunted by an unseen foe. For the next five years, his father was rarely home, always seemingly bound to an unending task. Heartbroken, the young Kael'thas trained diligently, every day to become someone his father could be proud of, doing his best to embody honor, justice, and virtue. Before long, the young aspiring Paladin became known as the hero of his village, not for protecting it from bandits, beasts, and monsters; but by aiding it's people, be they rich, poor, cursed, or crippled. On his fifteenth birthday, the father he had known returned, with him he brought a hammer, shield, leather armor, and most valuable at all; news that his grand quest neared it's end. That night, after an amazing day of celebration, Bedivere pulled his son aside, and revealed the truth unto his progeny. For the last five years, he'd been hunting Basileus, herald of Asmodeus. That devil had been a slippery bastard, but the Order of New Dawn had finally tracked the demon into the deep frontier. The old Paladin promised his son, that in exactly one year's time, he would return. No more work, no more quests. He would finally turn his son into a TRUE warrior of the light. The next morning, Kael'thas bid his father goodbye, excited for his return. That day never came... A year and a half later, the handle of Malleo Aurorae, a legendary hammer said to be born in the divine forge of Torag himself, the very hammer wielded by Kael's father, was found next to an insignia on the doorstep of their house. For three days, Kael did not eat, sleep, talk, or drink. But on the forth day, he sold the gifts his father had brought him on his fifteenth birthday, and used the money to buy passage to frontier town; the last place Bedivere had been seen. It was time for Kael to follow his destiny, and avenge his father. [/hider]