[center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjA0ZTdmNi5SWFpsSUU5eWFXOXNaUSwsLjA,/marriage-moment-personal-use.regular.png[/img] [H1]&[/h1] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/655deeb3-62de-46d2-a472-dca582bc7ce1.png[/img] [/center] Eve and Yoki had just rounded the end of the ship when Diana called out to them. The two sped up, Yoki quickly passed Eve and dropped down next to Marlin and Diana, "What do you need from me?!" Eve's heart grew heavy hearing what Diana had to say about Marlin's injuries. Fear of losing teammates again started to seep in and she froze for a moment. Eve pulled out her scroll, she knew there would be little signal this far out from Mistral and the support towers wouldn't help much, but she didn't know what else to do. An error message displayed that said "Local Area Only" when she opened the Broadcast channel on it. She took a deep breath to try and snap out of the fear and back into a leader and sent out a distress call in hopes at least someone was nearby. [color=FFE4C4]"Eve-y Dearest! You still alive out there?"[/color] An annoyingly cheerful voice came through Eve's scroll. Eve's heart jumped in shock and relief seeing the familiar icon and hearing that obnoxious voice. [color=00aeef]"B-Bisque!?"[/color] Eve was about to ask what she was doing way out there but it could wait. She shook her head and a dead serious expression took over. [color=00aeef]"Bisque! We are on the southwest shore of Lake Matsu! If you have and air transport we have multiple injured, one with potentially life threatening injuries!"[/color] [color=FFE4C4]"I Thought you'd need a ride!"[/color] Bisque's giggle sounded somewhere between sweet and maniacal. The wind picked up as a Mistral Airship flew in. It drifted down for a landing and before it even touched down a small girl in an orange and red dress and a white labcoat, wearing thick round glasses jumped down straight for Eve and latched on for a big hug, causing Eve to stumble and swing her around so as not to fall over. [color=FFE4C4]"I was listening to the air traffic broadcasts so I knew when you came in! Heard a mayday from the ship captain before it went all warbly and crash, boom, silence! Then I started scanning for your scroll signal! And Ta-da! Your savior Bisque is here!"[/color] She finally let go of Eve. Members of the airship crew came over with a stretcher for Marlin. Bisque latched onto Yoki before he could get up. [color=FFE4C4]"Ah! It's the Fox-man! Oh and are these the new teammates?!"[/color] [color=E8AC41]"Argh! Get off me you Mad-Scientist!" [/color]Yoki growled bitterly trying to throw her off. Eve smiled a bit glad it was no longer her. Her face turned back to concern as she watched over Marlin. [color=FFE4C4]"We'll get you all fixed up good as new!"[/color] Bisque wasn't phased when Yoki was trying to shake her but somehow she managed to salute and remain hanging off his left shoulder. [color=FFE4C4]"I have the latest and greatest portable medical equipment! A few kind of experimental but promising innovations as well as the regulated stuff!"[/color] [color=E8AC41]"Regulated only please!"[/color] Yoki said with a slight panic in his voice. [color=E8AC41]"Definitely none of your medical treatment! We want our friends in one piece not more than they already are!"[/color] [color=FFE4C4]"That was then and this is now!"[/color] Bisque jumped off Yoki and skipped to the ship. [color=FFE4C4]"I've had plenty of time to improve!"[/color] Yoki turned and whispered to Diana in panicked concern,[color=E8AC41] "Please tell me he can survive a flight to Mistral!?"[/color]