[h3][color=ff0000]Hobgoblin Ren[/color][/h3] [color=ff0000] Quest from the gods/// Mid Afternoon // Day 5[/color] [hr][@Jangel13][@Duthguy][@Wildman13] Watching his sword transform once again, and hearing his master, Ren rose to his feet, [color=red]"As you command my Lord, I will show you that your faith is not misplaced..."[/color] Motioning for his wolf to follow, Ren began to track the troll that Gina had been riding (which was fairly easy due to the creature's size and weight).  A short time later, the Hobgoblin found Gina, Zats, and a dead troll outside of a large cave, the apostle of Shirila yelling threats into the darkness.  Were there more trolls in the cave? If so, Ren had a pretty good idea of how to scare them into submission.  Strutting forward, he beheaded the dead troll with a single, fluid swing. Then using [b][Gravekeeper's Spirit][/b] to make it appear effortless, he picked up the severed head before slowly approaching the cave and tossing it in.  Bouncing and rolling across the ground, the head came to a stop in front of the group of trolls. At the mouth of the cave, a masked dark figure; easily a foot taller than most Hobgoblins, now stood tight behind the other two's backs.  The newcomer loudly issued slow, deep growl at the trolls at they activated [b][Pack Leader][/b], hopefully increasing the intimidating effect. [hider= Ren Inv & Stats] [color=00a651]EXP: 150[/color] [color=00a651]Inventory:[/color] Wolfblade, Needle, thin rope, bark disguise helm [color=00a651]Acquired Skills:[/color][list] [*][b][u]Defensive strike:[/u][/b] [i]this goblin has learned that the best offence is a good defence. This goblin is able to take a defensive posture and still make a powerful strike either in the hopes of killing said opponent or to run away easier[/i] [*][b][i]Military Strategy[/i]-[u] Centurian position:[/u][/b][i] The goblins have unknowingly used a formation of perfect defense and defensive strikes. This position when used in a funnel or with a group can wreak devastation to the enemy forces[/i] [*][b][u]Gravekeepers spirit:[/u][/b] [i]All goblins are able to feel the strength of those that have long since passed. When near a dead body or a skeleton the goblins are able to draw strength without the requirement of being necromancers. Even carrying a skull as an adornment allows the goblins to be stronger, faster, lighter as they draw strength. However, drawing all the strength of a certain dead body or their parts will cause it to disintegrate into dust. [/i] [*][b][u]Knowledge of the 3:[/u][/b] [i]Knowing the names of the god and goddesses of the world they live in they can now properly worship them. Ramos god of light and the sun, Duvelna goddess of death and the night, Shirila the goddess of the earth and nature. [/i] [*][b][u]Pack Leader:[/u][/b] [i]With the blood of an alpha on the goblins hands, he has proven he could fight in a pack. Now if a pack of wolves appears without an alpha he can assert his dominance and take over. However, this has a high chance of failing as well, can be upgraded until all wolves fall under the goblins control[/i] [/list] [color=00a651]Titles:[/color] [color=00a651]Blessings:[/color] [color=ff0000]Curses:[/color] [/hider]