Aeres barely got any words in as the woman offered him a half-empty pack of wet wipes, managing only a brief “thanks.” His eyes followed the fleeting movement of the woman and her rude companion as they moved past him and off to somewhere he likely wasn’t welcome to follow—not that he wanted to. If he were to be honest, as nice and tolerable as everyone had been so far, he desired to get away from the crowd as soon as possible. The amount of people collected in such a small space was making him feel ill and it didn’t help that there was a buzzing nervous energy swarming the place. Sleeping had helped, but his rest hadn’t been long, nor was it well in the seat of his BMW. He’d always been particularly sensitive to uneasiness in people and now he was engulfed in all of their tension at once. Pulled out of his head, Johnny caught his attention by mentioning the creek, but the young man’s disgruntled face conveyed that he instantly detested the offer. An attempt to correct the scowl was made after he caught it and, trying to be polite, he began following him anyway. If the wet wipes were enough, he thought he could at least rinse some of his clothes in the creek, but he wasn’t about to wash his body and hair in there—not with all the algae and plankton and microbes floating around. He’d taken biology as a general education requirement and he’d looked through those microscopes at pond water samples taken from a local site; since then he refrained from drinking or swimming in anything that wasn’t at least somewhat filtered. He was pulling a wet wipe out of the pouch in his hands, about to get on with a formal introduction, when a cry of Run! made him raise his chin in alarm. “Huh?” The noise from his mouth cut short as he heard the rustle of movement paired with a putrid odor of blood and rot. His feet moved before his mind made the conscious decision to; yesterday had him restless, and his body hadn’t fully relaxed since. Racing towards the direction of his BMW, he unlocked it as soon as it was in sight with a press of the button in his pocket and dove into the front seat, slamming the door behind him as he slammed the keys into the ignition and started it with a rumble. A quick glance behind him served as a reminder that there were still others falling behind; he wasn’t sure if he cared enough to linger for them or not. He put his foot on the pedal then lifted it off again, muttering a gruff “Goddammit!” under his breath. The guilt would eat him alive if those things didn’t. He snatched his hand gun and checked it to make sure it was loaded. Certain that it was, he rolled down the driver’s seat window and sent a bullet towards the walkers, though his aim was subpar at best—he managed to hit one and send it falling backwards by pure luck and the fact that they were close-knit in a mass. “What do we do?” he shouted out the window at anyone who was around to hear it. “Can’t we get outta here?! Someone wanna tell me where the hell to drive?!” It was the other concern that kept him from taking off in the vehicle—he didn’t know where to go or if there was any other place to go. He’d run to the BMW as a habit and for safety, knowing it was his own and he would find shelter inside, but he had no idea if it was the only thing left. “Isn’t there somewhere else to go?!” His voice made an embarrassing, frantic squeak as his fright took control. He shot thoughtlessly at the bloody group of creatures again. ---- Time seemed to slow down for Wes. The faces turned towards him, some flawless just as they'd been before, others maimed from being attacked, and all of them with cherry stained teeth. The sound of Sarah's voice came too late and before he had a chance to react the fabric around his neck choked him as he was forcefully pulled back by Johnny in the nick of time. They filed out of the room, nearly a dozen of them, shuffling towards the group near them. Their short attention spans were diverted towards the hunter's shout and soon they shambled off in that direction. Moths drawn to a flame. Sarah covered her mouth with her hands to keep from making any sound, but she could smell the strong scent of iron and her eyes were drawn to the smears and splatters along the wall. Wes gripped at the bat and gave a tough swing at one of the slow moving biters. He assumed Johnny had gone back to warn the people in the house as his parents both came filing out. His mother yelling, “Wyatt!” with tears streaming down her face. Behind him his father tried to hold her back, but she fought against him opening her arms towards her soon, ignoring the blood on his face. “Mom!” Wes yelled. “Stay back!” But the woman wouldn't listen and ran towards her eldest. Wes watched in horror as Wyatt took a chunk out of her neck and then turned on his father whose passive nature had taken a backseat to a low, threatening baritone growl. He moved forward trying to reach them, but made a sudden stop as clumps of dirt shot into the air from a scattering of bullets fired into the ground. Shielding his eyes from the spray, he noticed the bullets were coming from a fancy BMW and the boy who'd been asking for a shower earlier was firing through the window. “Watch where you're aiming-” he tried to yell, but his voice was drowned by the gunfire and the ringing in his ears following it. The best thing to do was dodge out of the line and he moved just in time as another poorly aimed bullet hit the ground where he'd just been standing moments before. A few of the bullets did seem to hit their mark, the chest, the arm, but they continued their relentless approach. It was only when one stray bullet hit the head that he noticed they stayed down for good. But the sound of the shots echoing through the orchard drew the attention of the monsters and they began heading towards the expensive vehicle and the boy shouting inside it. From behind him he could hear Sarah scream though he hadn't seen where she'd run off to. Feet digging into the ground, he started at both locations before running towards the car and swinging at one as they encroached upon the vehicle. In one direction the sound of gunfire rang out. In the other the faint hum of music drifted through the air though she couldn't decipher what it was. Regardless, both directions indicated people and the more people there were in one area the more risk there was. At the moment, Elizabeth couldn't afford to take any risks. She had a goal, as impractical as it was, and she was determined to accomplish it. Unless they owned a plane or a boat they were useless to her and she refused to be dragged down by anyone else's dead weight. Coming across a mass of abandoned cars, she navigated towards one ringing with the gentle beep of the open door warning. Determining the model, she peering into the vehicle to make sure it was empty before sliding into the front seat. Elizabeth hummed to herself while looking around, eyes lighting up as they were drawn the middle console. Taking out a penny, she held it up to examine it before leaning over beneath the steering column and, using the currency as screws, detached the plastic cover. Just as she was pulling aside one of the wire bundles, her eyes widened as in the rear-view mirror she caught sight of a fairly large group heading in her direction. More gunfire rang out, this time much closer, and Elizabeth cursed as she knew she didn't have enough time to finish hot-wiring the car to run. Getting out of the vehicle, she expected for them to continue heading her way, but the group appeared to be distracted. A small voice ringing out from the center, she felt her chest tighten as she reached for her Beretta. Firing at the group, the sound of the shot rang through the air and they turned in her direction. After a couple of more shots to assure she had their attention, she took in a deep breath and began running in the opposite direction.