[center] [img=http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/xGabrielxArt/RP%20signs/Fable_zps7f76dd87.png] [/center] 9pm Mayors Office Within the dark hallway of woodlands, leading up to King Coles office, a spark of flame erupted to show Bigby's face as he used a lighter to light a huff and puff cigarette. With a sigh he took one long drag from it before putting it out on his own hand and putting it away for later. He wouldn't have normally done such a pointless thing, but even he was not looking forward to telling King Cole the latest news that he had gotten.... Walking into the mayors office Bigby knocked on the opening door. "Cole? Are you still here? We need to talk" As informal as always, though he was never one to ever be formal in the first place, wasn't his style. On walking on and finding Cole, if he was about to leave or not, Bigby would give the grave news... "Cole, another has been found. That makes two in the last two weeks... What Bigby was talking about was the recent drug craze that had been going around known as Fairy Dust, or simply Dust. Normally drugs would have little effect on Fables, but this new drug had too much of a effect, sending the person into such a high that it left them comatose, unable or unwilling to leave their own happy place, a true happily ever after. So far two people, both female and both working ladies. One of which had worked in the employ of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. "As you can see Cole, this is a very serious matter. What are your orders?" --- While this talking was going on, a young looking which faded in from the darkness, having just come down from the 13th floor for some late night shopping, and was now standing next to the door with her back to the wall and listening in... She had known Max for a while and to know that one of his girls was in that state he was going to be pissed, more so if she had to tell him about it instead of hearing it before hand. Either way he had to know, so she pulled down her hood, her purple eyes vanishing into the darkness once more as she made her way out of the woodlands, hopefully avoiding the other residents in the process...