Esper stands on a tall building, eyeing the thread through the scope of her light fifty. She lowers herself to her knees, placing the bi-pod's legs on a cooling ducts cubed frame. She slows her breathing, relaxing with each breath to steady her aim. As she looks through the scope she adjusts for the wind resistance, cross-hairs locked onto the thread's chest. She briefly watches the thread move, looking perhaps gleeful at the pain and confusion it cause. She held her breath finally as she prepared to take the shot. The thread liked to live in luxury, a thing they both had in common in that she enjoyed obvious and easy shots into luxury apartments. She pulled her finger back on the trigger, her legs positioned for maximum stability. The shot echoed and penetrated the window, then the body of the thread. Blood spattered the white couch behind him as his body slumped over. "A pity", she though to herself. "That couch probably never asked for such a terrible stain."