[b][center]Serene Blaze[/center][/b] [b]AGE:[/b] 23 [b]SEX:[/b] Female [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d46/Sezir/0ed0a3b619775bd0b9fcb22da62509a8_zps76409f61.jpg[/IMG] [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] A bit on the edge side to new people. (Unless Moon In-Sun is with her) Guarded and protective of those she cares about. [b]HISTORY:[/b] Serene Blaze has lost her memory. The last thing she remember is getting into a fight. She dose not remember who with or what over but is awoke at a healer tent on Lunaris. Seren becomes close friends with the man but wanted to find out more about her past. All she has on her person is a set of keys and two nunchucks that she ausumes she made covered in blood. [b]WEAPON:[/b] Twin Nunchuck. Made of hallow bamboo and rope. [b]SKILLS:[/b] Fighter in both life and combat. [b]ABILITIES LEARNED:[/b] Aerial Sweep [b]MAGIC:[/b] Fire [b]SHOTLOCK:[/b] [b]SUMMON:[/b] --- I was been super long since I played this game. But I really wanna play this it sounds good. Is that a problem. I am also not sure what WIP is? I will up load a pick later also.