[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360327250866077698/370419802071629824/Diana_Seraph.png[/img][/center] Diana didn't take her eyes of Marlin, flipping her scanner off and storing it in her medical box. Diana then looked around her medical box for something to ease Marlin's pain. Without looking up at Yoki she dealt out her orders [color=firebrick]"We need to move him somewhere safer, being out in the open like this is just asking for Grimm to overwhelm us. But we have to be gentle and slow with how we move him, if there really is a floating rib in there then we've got to be extremely careful. We need at lest three arms under his back to make sure he doesn't curl up."[/color] She then went to Marlin's right side going to slide her arms under him when she heard Eve yell the name [color=firebrick][i]Bisque?[/i][/color] Diana tilted her head not liking the sound of this person already. Though she did like the sound of an aircraft approaching. Though that was unfortunately paired with this new and rather annoying face. Diana knew she wasn't going to be able to deal with this woman for a long period of time. Luckily Bisque was far too busy being attached to Yoki. Diana gave the men with the stretcher a quick rundown of Marlin's situation before the carried him off into the ship. Then Yoki asked her a question. [color=firebrick]"If the equipment on the ship is good and the trip isn't turbulent then Marlin should be fine. At this point I am more worried about myself..."[/color] Diana looked over at Bisque then back at Yoki while make sure to not make eye contact, even still her expression that made her feelings clear. Diana let out a sigh knowing she should introduce herself she walked over and extended a hand to Bique, making sure to look off to the side. [color=firebrick]"Pleasure to meet you."[/color] Diana's words couldn't have sounded more unenthusiastic.