The longer Maricola was around Uncle Coobie, the more evident it became that this backwater planet had all but bent him over a table. First fooling around with children, and now a gambling addiction? This place had turned him into a bona-fide delinquent! [color=a2d39c]"Doctor, we need emergency treatment, STAT~!"[/color] Arm unfurling into a tentacle, Maricola reared back and whipped Uncle Coobie's mortal vessel towards St. Euphemia Municipal Animal Shelter with spine-cracking force, sending him through the surprisingly large bay windows at roughly 110 miles per hour, tripping a burglar alarm, and crushing the night shift man's windpipe. On the whole, not a bad start to the evening. Hopping through the smashed window to follow its comrade-cum-projectile, Maricola giggled as it dragged Professor Backpack across the front office floor- not that there was any malice in it, he was just so quiet Maricola had forgotten he was actually there in all the excitement- and ripped the reinforced chain-link gate leading to the animal housing clean off it's hinges, tossing it overhead with a deafening [b]CRASH[/b]. [color=a2d39c]"Oh Dog~gies~!"[/color], Maricola shouted, singsong, as it stepped into the concrete-and-sheet-metal room full of caged, terrified animals, [color=a2d39c]"We're here to pla~ay~!"[/color] [@Duoya] [@Stern Algorithm]