9pm Just outside the Woodlands. A slender figure was making its way down the street on this dark night, it's hands stuck in it's pockets and it's head slightly leaned back in a care free manor. It stopped just out side the large gates of the Woodlands luxury apartments and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. The figures thin fingers pulled out a single cigarette before putting away the pack and pulling out a lighter made of ebony with a spider engraved in silver on both it's sides. As the figure struck the lighter it's face was illuminated. To any one of the mundies pacing by the man would be known as Booker Mathews, the odd guy who worked down the street. But to the people in the building right behind him he would be known as the one and only Bogeyman, the monster that filled every child's nightmare. Well that is what they use to call him now he was just old Boogie, the use to be monster staying in apartments. Boogie took a deep inhale of the cigarette in an attempt to forget the day. He had to deal with the usual kids trying to steal from his store, the school mom who was upset with the type of costumes he sold, the middle age couple trying to spice things up in their lives. It was days like this mad him miss living under beds and scaring people shitless. But he shook off the idea as the old thoughts of loneliness came back to him, something he hoped would change when he came to Fabletown. Boogie was half way through the cigarette when someone bumped into him, making him drop it. "Aww hell." He said before he turned around to catch the sight of a girl wearing a hood. "What no sorry?" He said as he bent down to pick up the cigarette. He blew on the butt before putting it back in his mouth. "Well?" He said with a raised brow and a hand on his hip.