[center][b]Nori Osamu - Team 5 Leader[/b][/center] Though he didn't turn around to look, he could hear his students interacting behind him. A small smirk formed on his face. Two of them seemed to be the energetic types, and the third was undoubtedly semi-reserved. Probably excitable as well. The sound of water behind him let Nori know that Kumori had performed some water technique to start the exercise off. [I]Wasting no time,[/I] he thought to himself, before performing a quick string of handseals. Upon turning around, he saw the water clone Kumori coming at him through the air and Kumori a little ways behind running directly at him. A small grin formed on his face. "This is an exercise on more than just personal ability," he noted aloud, before putting his hand in his shuriken pouch. In one quick motion, he threw a bunch of shuriken at the water clone. However, as each one flew through the air, they all let off an incredibly bright shine. Almost blinding to look at, and certainly disorienting. It would be difficult to pinpoint precise locations for dodging or blocking. And while that group flew toward the incoming water clone, Nori repeated the motion and threw another handful at Kumori himself, the shuriken also taking the dazzling brightness of the first batch. He figured he wouldn't kill the kid, but knew that if any of his students got hurt too severely he could just stop the exercise.