I might've gone a little overboard with the biography [hider=Orky] [center][url= https://xxgamergirlpeexx.tumblr.com/post/177258415230] The normal one is him [/url] [/center] [center][h2]Orky[/h2][/center] [center][i] I just want to show the world that Orc's can actually learn something than just be meatheads.[/i][/center] [hr] [b][u]Nicknames:[/u][/b] Orks [b][u]Race:[/u][/b] Half-Orc [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Male [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 19 [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Orky has many symbols tattooed on his pale green skin. They are associated with blood magic where he uses his one blood to activate the runes on his skin which glow when he uses them. Other than that he his quite large being 6"10 in height and weighing about 294 pounds. He also has a very small symbol by his neck for a special purpose. Orky has the common brown eyes and brown hair for Orcs. He also does have tusks but they are not as noticable has pure Orcs. But along with his tusks he does have a more broader face than most. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] He is quite the introvert. When given the chance he usually is by himself reading a book on blood magic. But if you are to become friends with him he is like an opened oyster that has a pearl with in it. When he opens up he shows that he has quite the sense of humor, trying to bright up the situation if it gets bleak. Also he is always striving to improve his blood magic hence why he is always reading a book in it. He would gladly take any damage for his friends, and help them with any problems they are facing, be it emotional, mental and/or physical. [b][u]Biography:[/u][/b] Orky was born from a village raid, like most Half-Orcs but his father actually took his human mother back to the village in order to give birth. His mother has died at birth, but from the months she spent pregnant Orky was told she was happy and excited for the child since she never had any children before. But other than that Orky never knew much about her. Of course he was raised like a normal Orc, being trained in physical combat of all styles. But Orky was noticeably more bright than his fellow Orcs, most likely from his mother's side. It wasnt until the age of 14 when Orky and his father went out on a hunting trip when Orky had found a stray book on the ground. It was an old leather book that had a strange symbol on it, little did Orky know this was a magic book about Blood Magic. What made it so magic was that it was able to connect to the users mind and teach it the ways of blood magic. When Orky had touched it he could feel the magic flowing through him and then the book fluttered open showing all the different runes and such and explaining them in Orcish. Orky knew about the disdain Orcs had for magic but he couldn't help himself but take the book. He had study the book from front to back learning all he could from it. He then started using a knife to carve the runes into his skin since he didnt have the supplies to make a rune. To his surprise it had worked. This encouraged Orky more to put more and different runes on his body. It was until one night his father had discovered him with the book. Orky's father was disgusted with him for even thinking about using about magic. Orky's father grabbed Orky and the book then threw them out telling him never to come back. Orky could see the tears in his father's eyes. But he still managed to get up and grab the book and walk away. He had managed to walk a great deal till he had stumbled upon the house of a kind old lady. Orky was in need of food and water which he didnt have the tools to get him self. He went up to the door and knocked. The old lady came to the door surprised that a 16 year old Half-Orc had come to her door. She was surprised but she didnt feel any danger because she could tell from the look of Orky that he wasnt going to hurt her. She had invited him in to treat his empty stomach and lack of water. Barely knew any common language and mostly Orc but thankfully the Old lady knew Orc to communicate. Orky told her what had happened and how he got here aswell as his magic techniques. The lady was intrigued that an Orc was able to do such a thing. She then offered Orky a deal. That if he tended to the house and did all the yard work aswell as tend to the garden she would give him food, a place to sleep and how to speak the common language. Orky had happily agreed to the Old Lady's deal. Orky now called her Mama Mera. He had now lived under Mama Mera's care for about 3 years until his urge to learn more magic couldn't be sedated anymore. He had told Mama Mera about it and she understood as always. She then told Orky that he should go to the local branch of the Mage guild. She said as soon as they heard of an Orc learning magic they would you right to the capital to learn, because there aren't that many Orcs learning magic. Mama Mera then convinced Orky to go since he was now fluent in the common language. He had said his heart felt goodbye to Mama Mera and thanked her for all the help. He then left for the local Mage guild branch. Of course they were shocked to see an Orc using Blood magic, aswell how developed he was and the way of tattooing the runes on him intrigued them very much. He had been straight to the capital for them to learn about him and for Orky to learn more about magic. Orky was now sent to the academy with his long sleeve shirt and pants to cover his runes. He also had the Magic Book in his rug sack that he hanged on one shoulder on his back. Orky was scared yet excited to meet all the fellow practitioners of magic and learn more about Blood Magic [b][u]Affinities: [/u][/b] Sanguination [b][u]Craft:[/u][/b] Alchemy [b][u]Magic:[/u][/b] While most people purely think of painting or making magic runes, Orky has gone a step forward and tattooed and scared them on his body. He mostly has has runes on the body parts that are usually when he would need them most. For example he has the symbol for Strength on his chest and and arms, aswell as the tune for Speed on his legs. He also has other single runes on his body such as communication, healing, night vision and a mysterious one on his neck that is of his own creation. [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] Of course being raised in an Orc Village he knows the basics of wielding swords and blunt weapons as well has hand to hand. He has some battle experience, not much but enough to best a normal soldier. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] He has an irrational hate for pickles and cucumbers. Has some sort of a drinking habit. [/hider]