[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7W79Czh.png[/img][/center] [center][i]Italian Restaurant[/i] [/center] [hr] The small empress showed slight astonishment as before her was placed a large plate of hot, still steaming food. She could smell the rich spices, could virtually taste the flavors in the mouth even with just the scent alone. Stuffed shells of pasta, filled with an assortment of fine cheeses, coupled with some meatballs of prodgious size and pieces of what seemed to be sausage, sitting atop a thick bed of a creamy-looking sauce that had pieces of mushrooms all throughout its composition. With a sprig of some green plant on top for garnish. This was her dish, and despite the fact she couldn't really identify much in it Sanaki's mouth was watering despite her attempts to hold a good poker face about this. She, who was so used to the kitchens of her palace, was sitting in a place seemed fit for commoners....and yet this food smelled just about as good as it did back home when she would eat dinner. If she ever made it home....no, when she made it home she was going to see if such a dish could be replicated in Begnion. And this was her opinion before taking her first bites. Grabbing the familiar fork utensil, and utilizing the large, almost cloth-like napkin she had been brought with it, the small Empress took the first bite of her dish. Her manners were formal and proper, her conduct in taking the bite good, even wiping her mouth as a bit of that sauce got on her chin. For the first time in years her eyes seemed to light up as she chewed the bite of food carefully, picking out the flavors and textures, her refined palette of a nation's leader coming into play. But over it was...was....DELICIOUS. She had never tasted such good food, far better than eating bear meat and such on that dreary campaign to slay a goddess. Albeit that campaign had been more important than any food she ate, merely eating something edible being a good thing really back then. She could barely restrain herself from digging into the food like a madwoman, but visibly in front of the others kept up a modest eating pace with proper manners and customs. Only the look in her eyes betrayed her true level of enjoyment with the meal, but to her it would be impolite to say anything about it until after she finished the meal. Though her sincerest compliments would certainly be going to the chef humbly and discreetly, whenever she finished her meal and another waiter came by. Though for the time being she was listening to the conversations, and upon Klaus speaking up about an organization she swallowed a bite of food, politely wiped her mouth, and decided to respond to this idea of Klaus' with her own thoughts about it. [color=violet]"Your idea is intriguing, sir. I shall join as well, so long as Ms. Meterora here is also in agreement to join. Surely a base of operations for now would assist in deploying to handle any more....other-worldly intrusions like those wyverns for the time being."[/color] [hr] [center][h1][color=crimson][i]Li Shuwen[/i][/color][/h1][/center] [center][i]Ikebukuro, Tokyo[/i] [/center] [hr] [color=crimson]"Hahaha! Yes, remain wary in this sort of place, that's a good way to survive,"[/color] Shuwen said, laughing before addressing the two girls again after he had been spoken to, before glancing at the situation with the wolf again after having been keeping an eye for a moment, more seeming as if he was mulling about to himself with the following things he said, [color=crimson]"Ah, perhaps the wolf was pursuing something, perhaps? I wonder....maybe a strong opponent?"[/color] Regardless of his words, he began to jog over to the assembled group of individuals with the wolf. He was rather casual and non-hostile about his manner of approach, though he kept his wits about him whilst remaining ready to deploy Sphere Boundary if he so needed. Not that any could match his fists, though this girl who had caught the world had also caught his eye. No weapon in her hands, and she showed some strength. Further her movements seemed a bit trained, specifically in martial arts. It got his blood pumping just a little, really. [color=crimson]"Greetings, warriors!"[/color] the martial artist called out as he made his final few steps to walk up to the group proper, his approach leaving him closer to Hibiki than the others.