Sophia could feel a trembling in the ground and raised her hand instinctively to guard against the liquid metal traveling along the surface of the cogwheel. Her bubble of energy, malleable to her touch, poured from her body and over the ground, applying pressure from her wave to stop the streaming metal from moving. She then quickly put on her headphones which were resting on her neck; ignoring the sword sheathed on her waist, and still carrying her bag in her right hand. She looked rather clumsy, unprepared, and a bit childish in her antics, but of course under those blue bangs, white blouse, white surgeon mask, and pleated skirt one couldn’t deny she looked rather cute for a girl her age. She looked directly at Xavier and with a light tap on a button on the corner of her eyeglasses blasted a ray of LCD lights out of the rim of her glasses. And then the most astonishing thing happened. The light from her glasses seemed to freeze in midair as it came into contact with her wave which was in front of her. It was if time had diluted its motions to a standstill, sticking it effortlessly in place. It was an event that happened for a fraction of a second, but for human eyes the sight would have been truly odd as a beam of light drew a perfect line and then moved as if in slow motion through the air. Then all of a sudden as the light beam reached the edge of her wave it erupted, growing a thousand folds into a colossal column of light so intense that it melted through the floor and split the cogwheel they stood on nearly in half!