"Alright, let us begin... Damage the vehicles anyway you can, brother. Slash the tires, burn the engine, I don't care. Make sure they can not drive out of here. And apparently, we have to be quiet, too." Gardosii ordered Doc to begin their mission, and they split up, trying to make as little noise as possible. Doc used thermite charges on some of the vehicles, lifting the bonnet and setting a charge on the starter motor of each engine. With a loud hiss, the thermite charges ignited, and burned right through the engines, landing on the concrete floor and snuffing themselves out. While it was a very effective way to disable them, Gardosii preferred to get his hand dirty, and would methodically rip out the ignition, slash a tire, or even tear the steering wheel off with his bare hands, crude but also very effective. After a while, their work was done, and every car was totally useless. He couldn't wait to see the look on their faces when they found out there was no escape, and smiled deviously to himself. Unfortunately, there was very little cover for them to use, and that needed to change. Gardosii approached Doc, and made a suggestion: "Brother, get in that car and steer. I will push..." Doc did so releasing the hand brake, and directed the car as Gardosii pushed it effortlessly to block the main exit out of the garage. They did this twice more, and created a crude barricade at the exit. Even if they could miraculously get the cars working, the Horsemen couldn't drive out of here. With a satisfied sigh, Gardosii contacted Angel again. "Guardian Angel, we have disabled the target vehicles, over. Now, the hunt can truly begin, yes?"