[@Hokum] Irrupted by an event of drifted into an undefinable gravitational pool and a sudden transmission by an unknown race, the Operators had undergo a full inspection protocol of MASGC Space Headquarters just to be sure of keeping in minor integrity damage and ensuring everything is going to be alright in the future. Because of many people are currently does around in MASGC Space Headquarters for hoping not to break and worsen the station itself, the Commander is the only one available for going toe-to-toe diplomacy with the alien himself at the moment. Hard translation and some readings, the Commander has responded: [quote=@.commander] We're the Remnants of the Militarist Armed Superstates of Galactic Confederation, Commander speaking to Kradam Supreme. Current situation, lost the habitability of Planet Iceolia and all surrounding planets of the solar system, destructed by the collision from an anomaly, Hany's Ribbon. Secondly, the station caught in a high gravitational pull from an unknown formation of blue lights, probably be a wormhole, or highly unquestionable reasons for its existent, and so-forth accidentally ended in your sector by unforgivable consequences. Last note, the MASGC are looking to find a suitable settlement for industrial expansion to maintain this barely functional station. Charted information for finding new, habitable planet is gladly for needs and we'll try and given a negotiable deal from it. [/quote] [@Quote5] The survivors in Ernest are pretty worrisome and their morale are breaking a little upon hearing about being in a space fight and all. [quote=@One of the Survivor, Former Iceolian Resident] This is not good... [/quote] [quote=@One of the Survivor, Former Iceolian Resident] I don't want to die, in SPACE! [/quote] Few of the renmants are sobbing and crying, wanting to live out from hazards and intention for peace.