[center][h3]Clinical Hookie[/h3] [sub]Collab with: [@Rultaos][/sub][/center] With breakfast and everything else done and over with, Matija simply crashed on her bed. Koren then had the responsibility of bringing their used utensils back to the galley before he went to do some last minute checks (and calibrations if necessary) on the engines and replaced parts to make sure that the rushed repairs and the adhesives would not fall apart the moment the ship goes past the pre-flight checks before catching a few winks on one of the beds by the engine room. Thankfully they were recently cleaned so he did not need to worry about getting any allergies triggered. With a sigh, the Juz’ drifts off for what felt like a few moments before he got woken at the sound of movement passing by the slightly ajar engine doors. He was not sure how long he had slept but his eyes peered past the walls just in time to see a blur of white pass by the glass panes. Curious, he walks up and followed the blur to see Matija seemingly trying to sneak past the engine room. [color=7B68EE]“Ummi..?”[/color] The Mecorian stops to look back at the source of the voice, feeling quite caught despite not really doing anything wrong. [color=DEB887]“Um, yanno… Just. Just tryin’a practice my silent walkin’ without my boots.”[/color] The Juz’ gave her a questioning look, to which Matija pouted to. [color=DEB887]“What? Don’t believe me?”[/color] [color=7B68EE]“Yes. But you cannot be trusted. You said so yourself,”[/color] the young man smiled. The Siren sighs and smiles as she shakes her head at the response. The familiarity of their exchange was amusing and comforting. [color=DEB887]“Fine. Caught me. Heard we needed to get checked-up but uh. See, I ain’t one for needles an’ syringes no more,”[/color] she chuckles nervously. [color=DEB887]“I suggest you come with me and do the same. Don’t really trust anyone here anymore.”[/color] The Juz’ found her comment odd but followed her all the same. [color=7B68EE]“What about the human with the burn? You seemed to like him.”[/color] [color=DEB887]“Uuugh,”[/color] the Mecorian groaned, [color=DEB887]“Yeah but I don’t think we can trust Benjie no more. Not that I trusted him much.”[/color] Unbeknownst to the duo, the man in question was also making their way down through the lower levels of the ship, also in an attempt to get away from the supposed medical exam people were going to be put through. Though he had not heard the entirety of the conversation, he had managed to catch the tail end of it. Upon hearing the familiar voice of the Mecorian saying that, he felt an almost immediate sense of both anger and betrayal. Even more than one he had previously felt. No longer caring for discretion, he immediately barged inside the room he heard the voice from to interrupt the conversation and also defend himself. [color=darkgoldenrod]”Oh, so it wasn’t feckin’ enough tha’ you stabbed me in tha’ bum, but now yer tryin’ ta’ turn the rest o’ tha’ crew on me as well?!”[/color] he exclaimed as he went inside, breathing heavier than usual from agitation. Needless to say Matija was startled to know that they had another person listening in on their little conversation. However, the shock washed off fairly quickly as her own anger rolled in at the intrusion. [color=DEB887]“Excuse you? And last I heard you didn’t give a shit about the people in the ship. Let alone keep bloody promises!”[/color] [color=darkgoldenrod]”Wha-? What are ya blabbin’ on abou’? O’ course I’m concerned about whether people dislike me or not. I LIVE on this bloody ship![/color] He retorted. [color=DEB887]“Ohoo yeah sure! You care about your reputation. That’s all there is to ya, ain’t it?!”[/color] Matija was about to continue when Koren interjected [color=7B68EE]“I thought we were hiding?”[/color] The Mecorian stopped, looking at him, incredulous at what’s happening altogether. [color=7B68EE]“Maybe if we just talk it ou-”[/color] [color=DEB887]“No,”[/color] the Mecorian said firmly but more quietly as she took a seat by the hall of containers. The familiar location would have made her feel at ease. But not at the moment. Not with this situation and this context. [color=DEB887]“I’m surprised ya even considered this spot. Cap’s lap too high-brow on ya?”[/color] she sneered at the scotsman without looking at him. The very thought of Benny even bothering to come back to their little old spot almost felt like an insult to her. Benny simply stared at her in wordless anger as she finished her tirade. [color=darkgoldenrod]”What tha’ bloody feck’s even gotten into ya these past coupl’a days?! Yanno, I actually thought we were friends but what in tha’ nine bleedin’ Hells happened? Is this what ye planned all along, ta’ take me fer a ride an’ blast me out like an airlock vacuum? What even fer?![/color] He exploded, speaking very quickly. Matija went red with fury. Koren thankfully placed a hand on her shoulder before she could scream to remind her that sounding off the alarms won’t help anyone hide. With a lot of effort, the Mecorian took a moment to calm down. [color=DEB887]“Look,”[/color] she started in a more controlled voice. [color=DEB887]“Last I checked, ya were busy riding the cap’s dick. So don’t ya start on me for bein’ some cuck just because you’re pissed at me for somethin’ that I didn’t do. Fuckin’, explain ta me what the hell’s happening in that potato brain of yers or I’ll kick ya outta my space.”[/color] Though Matija had been calmed somewhat by the presence of Koren, Benny was still riled up. The dam holding in his anger and confusion from his perceived betrayal had been broken by the confrontation. [color=darkgoldenrod]”Somethin’ ya dinnae do?! So startin’ ta’ act like a feckin’ stranger outta nowhere after I thought ya were my friend is somethin’ ya dinnae do?! An’ when did I start ridin’ anybody’s dick?! If anyone’s ridin’ anything it’s ya with that viking woman who’s paradin’ around as Tibulus! Why’d ya get all friendly with ‘em so quickly anywae? Have ya two been plannin’ this fer a while? Are they actually a cohort o’ yers ya snuck on tha’ ship? I feckin’ knew it, Tibulus really is dead isn’t he?! An’ ya came up with this convoluted brain transfer story cooked up months in advance in an attempt ta’ infiltrate an’ takeover tha’ ship!”[/color] Benny raved, the part of his brain responsible for his paranoia kicking into overdrive at the amount of stress he was feeling, in an attempt to rationalize what was happening. The longer the Scotsman talked, the more insane it went. So Matija continuously tried to stop him from making a bigger fool of himself but found herself being shouted over before she could even try. More annoyed than angry, she gave him a strong slap on the cheek so he would at least stop screaming at her. When he seemed like he was about to talk again, she decided to bring out the big guns and moved her face closer to his. Benny brought a hand up to their face to feel the area they had been slapped from, though after the sudden kiss, his hand just stayed there, with him being frozen as his brain had to stop and process what had just happened. [color=DEB887]”You’re being a loon an’ I’m almost afraid that yer gonna get a stroke. Plus, I think yer horrible so shut the hell up an’ let me hide in peace.”[/color] The Juz’ who simply stayed as an observer finally piped up with a look of epiphany on him. [color=7B68EE] “Is this what your species call… stress due to… ah. Mating desires? That’s all this is, right?”[/color] Matija and Benny looked back at the Juz’ with confused faces. Both equal parts aghast and afraid. Both of them began trying to defend themselves, consequently talking over each other. [color=darkgoldenrod]”Now haud on jus’ one-”[/color] [color=DEB887]“Nobody said nothin’ about no tensi-”[/color] [color=darkgoldenrod]”Tha’s a big stretch fer-”[/color] [color=DEB887]“Aren’t you supposed to be doin’ something el-”[/color] [color=darkgoldenrod]”W-we’re not doin’ this ‘cause-[/color] [color=DEB887]“I mean clearly h-he’s the only one affected...”[/color]. They both exclaimed, but eventually trailed off, almost in embarrassment. The two could not find it within themselves to even look at each other anymore, so they both retreated to their respective corners where Matija eventually fell sleep to due to the returning headache, whilst the Scot muttered incoherently to himself as they tried to get comfy. Something suddenly interrupted the whole groups rest however as the ship’s intercom came to life and Stryker’s voice came through, addressing everyone. [Color=orange]”Attention everyone. We're picking up a distress signal, just off our flight course. It's marked urgent, so we're gonna reply. The artificial gravity might be knocked out for a split-second as we turn off-course, so you might wanna hold on to something."[/color] [color=darkgoldenrod]Oh great, more unexpected guests…”[/color] Benny muttered as he got up from his seating position on a metal container and braced Skelly on a sturdy looking pipe nearby, anticipating the potential gravity loss. He considered heading back up to get his weapons and gear before they docked with the other vessel. Koren himself had decided to stand and check the engines for the possibility of getting boarded, Matija had managed to wake up from her rest in a fairly annoyed tone to which she pressed herself against one of the ship’s nearby walls in an attempt to continue her rest till the inevitable came. [color=DEB887]“Well ain’t that a doozy. Hope we don’t get any new people,”[/color] she said more to herself than to Benny. But the effect was more or less the same.