Veronica heard another set of footsteps come towards her cell. She opened her eyes from their meditative closure and she sat up to look, and sate her curiosity as to who was coming. She saw that it was another guard, and she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Why was there another guard in front of her cell? Every day, it's only been two guards. Two guards were always enough to the people who ran this place. She then watched as 'Bob', spoke to the other guards and mentioned getting them to relax. She watched as this 'Bob' character suddenly placed his hands on the guard's foreheads and they suddenly fell unconscious. Veronica connected the logical dots and she stood up off of her cot, readying herself for anything, in case the man in front of her wished her ill or harm. 'Bob's' face suddenly changed to show a woman's face and Veronica remained silent as this woman spoke from the other side of the glass that separated the bars from the cell room that Virus was standing in. Despite the fact that this woman somehow reminded Veronica of Wolfram, the promise of freedom was very enticing. Plus there was also the fact that she gets to mess with the security system of this place! Take revenge, get freedom, and repay the woman in front of her in return. This was a perfect opportunity, and Veronica was not going to skip out on it! Veronica smirked her own smirk and she said "I say I have my services…Madam," Honestly, Virus thought 'Madam' was the most polite term she could use, since she didn't know who this woman was, or what her name is. She then said "There's still this wall that needs to be taken care of,"