[quote=@coughsyrup] [@Silence Sounds] Here ya go. Also the face claim is Froy Gutierrez, I believe he's from teen wolf yes. But I could be wrong, cuz I dont really watch the show. [hider=Jem] [hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180831/cd6a565b18a4ef4a9b14e106053f4d39.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ec/6a/25/ec6a259c0867b547f2d145e7468f3523.jpg[/img] [/center] [hr][hr] [color=f7976a]Name: [/color] Jemima Lee Faraday [color=f7976a]Nickname:[/color] Jem, Jemi [color=f7976a]Age: [/color]18 [color=f7976a]Gender:[/color] Female [color=f7976a]Sexuality:[/color] Demisexual, does not care for genders. She will fall in love with anyone she emotionally connects with. [color=f7976a]Relationship Status:[/color] Single, and nervous to mingle. [hr][hr] [color=f7976a]In-Depth Appearance:[/color] Jemima is fairly slender, standing at 5 foot 7 and carrying a gentle disposition. From the way she walks, talks and dreses herself often Jemi is perceived as a sweet young woman, that is also often seen in her own actions. Her eyes are hazel brown, her hair dark and natural, and naturally bronzed skin that's littered with a few freckles on her nose area and cheeks. As for her clothes, she prefers to be simple yet a bit offbeat, if you will, having a preference for 'hippie' fashion, the glorious Woodstock era. Often [url=http://shaamli.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/3002fe63df5f9ce33d6f4496405d7c58-bohemian-outfit-bohemian-gypsy.jpg]wearing[/url] cropped top, patterned spaghetti straps and long flowy skirts and flats along with gaudy bracelets and rings, necklaces and earrings, at times donning on a felt hat. [color=f7976a]Habits: [/color] [indent]- Often gets lost in her musings. - Idly Humming a distinctive tune when busy with something - Widen's her eyes when confused, surprised. - Dances when happy, and if alone when no one else is watching [/indent] [color=f7976a]Hobbies:[/color] [indent] - Collects and takes care of plants. - Listening to music. - Leaving doodles on napkins at restaurants, cafes. [/indent] [color=f7976a]Likes:[/color] [indent]- Staying in during a rainy weather, whilst having coffee and a good movie. - Traveling. Roadtrips/Camping out - Gardening - Climbing trees. - Coffee and tea. - Swimming. - Music, has a preference for vintage/80's rock/folk. E.g, Fleetwood mac, Donovan, Dory Previn[/indent] [color=f7976a]Dislikes:[/color] [indent] - Either too hot/too cold a weather - Room temperature tea. Yuck. - Not being able to connect with people they find interesting. - Infighting between friends. [/indent] [color=f7976a]Secrets:[/color] Jem has a congenital heart disease. She had undergone two surgeries as a child to try and mitigate her illness. Not everyone, even her closest friends might know of this since she felt that people will be restricting, would only feel pity or just worry for her. She had enough of that with her own parents. [color=f7976a]Fears:[/color] - Never finding her destined soul mate. [hr][hr][center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/8997f96a2c9c3311aacf95e7dad300bf/tumblr_inline_p0f9bghHp91uf3z8f_400.gif[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/3d4f20c063fb8316b2952490abcbe9dc/tumblr_inline_p0f9bp0p781uf3z8f_400.gif[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/ac2be1a30c93da853f4bcf57fb651ed7/tumblr_inline_p0f9c1tvjA1uf3z8f_400.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=f7976a]Personality:[/color] [center] Starry-eyed | Caring | Carefree | Easily taken in [/center] Jem is in all aspects of life, is a dreamer. She has all these things that she wants to be and takes comfort in knowing that she'll accomplish them all someday. Although a bit naive in that sense, her perspectives has always been idealistic and pure. She believes that life is too short but has so much to offer otherwise it would be a waste to deter oneself to such a chance, or be affected by other people's words in achieving what you want. Always she prefers sharing that moment with someone, a close companion or say a group of highschool friends in a summer beach house? A young woman with a weak but virtuous heart, Jem is always happy to lend a hand to those who need, specially to her closest friends. She has a brightness and passion that is just so genuine and infectious that is never lost to people that met her. But being herself, a wishful thinker, has it's drawbacks. She is not necessarily optimist therefore disappointments and heartbreaks have familiarly come their way for putting so much faith in people she care for even giving them encouragement and support even if they don't see themselves or are not strong enough to be that way. [color=f7976a]Hometown:[/color] New York [color=f7976a]Background:[/color] Jemima lived and grew up all her life in Brooklyn. Celine, her mother, is a fashion photographer who raised Jemima on her own. At 6, she first met Richie, and through them both their parents got well acquainted. Not long, Celine and Richie's father, Richard, started dating and by the time she was twelve, they got married. Eversince, Jemi has always been a lonely child. Because of her illness, she had very little freedom, often taken away by the frequent visits to the doctor and surgeries that followed after. Her mother was very protective of the young Jemima, who would let her spend a few of years being homeschooled. There she indulged herself in with art, music from her uncle's old vinyl records collecting dusts in the attic also the place where she frequently hung out, even building her own club house. And of course gardening, taking care and collecting small adorable plants, where they reside in her nifty balcony. By middle school she studied at Park Crossing with her step brother until highschool. During the summers Jem would usually work at her aunt's Flowershop, which she loves and does every year. But this summer just after their recent graduation, it seems that some plans would be changed. Another beginning to an ending chapter to look forward too. [color=f7976a]Miscellaneous:[/color] - Works at her Aunt's flower shop during the summers. - Has a green thumb. - Raised by a single mother. She had met her real father once, who has a family of his own too. - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4XdnD5c334]Mood Music[/url] [/hider] [hider=Richie] [hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180831/d51f25309653fb331dc46acfa31e6a38.png[/img] [img]http://static.tumblr.com/21975c9666b80e0ca7d57b59c56b01d6/nxfskbe/QH3oulvgn/tumblr_static_5urh3mv4r3c4cc4wkwgcsg4kg.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [color=7ea7d8]Name: [/color] Richard McMillan III [color=7ea7d8]Nickname:[/color] Richie [color=7ea7d8]Age: [/color]18 [color=7ea7d8]Gender:[/color] Male [color=7ea7d8]Sexuality:[/color] Bisexual, female leaning. Unaware that he likes guys. [color=7ea7d8]Relationship Status:[/color] Single Pringle. [hr][hr] [color=7ea7d8]In-Depth Appearance:[/color] Richie physically is a charming young man; with pale blue doe eyes, rosy complexion and a laid back and fun loving demeanour. He stands at around 5 foot 10 and with an average build; fairly defined muscles with a few chunks here and there. At first glance he may come off as a typical geek, wearing pop [url=https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/VBUAAOSwYbhZwc-G/s-l300.jpg]culture shirts[/url], over [url=https://www.cockpitusa.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/n/y/ny-basketball-association-varsity-jacket-mens-leather-fit-z21e015.jpg] jersey jackets [/url] pair of worn out blue jeans and a pair of converse. He also wears a leather bracer on his right wrist, and a beaded bracelets on the other. Rarely he would wear glasses due to his, not really that bad eyesight. [color=7ea7d8]Habits: [/color] [indent]- Purses his lips when thinking, concentrating - Takes photos with his compact digicam, which he never leaves without. - Has a weird, muted laugh that looks like he's choking. - Nips his thumb when deep in thought [/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Hobbies:[/color] [indent] -Photography. Has a blog that he regularly updates. - Reading, collects, comic books. - Loves singing out of tune - Currently learning film making. [/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Likes:[/color] [indent]- Horror, gory B rated movies and classics like The Exorcist, Texas Chainsaw, Cannibal Holocaust to name a few. - Sneaking in to frat parties. - Smoking in the school parking lot. - Joy riding under the night sky. - Camping. - Has a huge man crush on Christopher Walken.[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Dislikes:[/color] [indent] - Getting sick in bed. - Boring recreational activities like reading unless it has pictures on it, or scrabble. - People who are unnecessarily douchey. - Bossy people [/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Secrets:[/color] Richie is slightly at crisis with certain, feelings due to the fact that he's not really aware of her preferences with boys. Though eventually he thinks it wouldt really be much of a deal, he would just rather keep it to himself before he could come out of it. He never told his parents that he almost 'died' of an asthma attack the first time he tried pot. His friends that time rushed him to the ER, till now he's trying to pay back his hospital bills that they spent. [color=7ea7d8]Fears:[/color] - Bees - Rejection - Being blocked off of his dreams. [center][hr][hr][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/693656f46dc5fd66e4b8fdb6f167eab6/tumblr_inline_ovrma9bQyg1u0tvtz_400.gif[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/42bbab58471dc4f8d1fbd87b845a794c/tumblr_inline_ovrp59vPZq1u0tvtz_400.gif[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/60c15dcd341c8e0a7ebcfda2ba63ce80/tumblr_inline_ovrqmviH6T1u0tvtz_400.gif[/img][hr][hr][/center] [color=7ea7d8]Personality:[/color] [center]Jovial | Silly | Creative | Forgetful[/center] Richie has a way with making an otherwise dull moment, be crazy, unpredictable or maybe just downright annoying. In a way he knows how to get around people, much like he does with a camera. Though mostly had grown out of it, Richie is still a joker and prankster at heart. He may have won some friends because of his outgoing and silly personality, but also may have equally won him a few enemies. That's not to say that people always take Richie with full seriousness, because he's not intended to be a serious fellow in the first place, and as always he advises to never take his jokes and pranks too seriously when he just attempts to light up everyone's mopey mood. Eventually Richie developed a passion for photography, which fits him well because of his natural eye for perspectives. He knows how to take a a good shot, from landscapes to portraits or candids, his talent became one of the most precious things to him. Richie would sometimes get careless, with his joking around, his somewhat delinquent attitude, and losing track of himself would get himself in all sorts of trouble without meaning to. [color=7ea7d8]Hometown:[/color] New York [color=7ea7d8]Background:[/color] Richie was born and raised in New York. He grew up in a very well to do family, his father, Richard MacMillan II, being a CEO of a huge telecommunications company, it's fair to say that everything he needs and wants is just conveniently handed to him. When he was four, his mother had passed away from cancer, leaving his father to raise him alone. During kindergarten, his father met the mother of one of his classmate for making her cry, and unknowingly made them hook up with each other years later until they got married when Richie was in middle school. Him and Jem are, to say the least, fair of each other while growing up. Richie would only see his sister at home due to Jem being home schooled for the most of her elementary years. Richie was no stranger to detention, since he has his fair share of lock ups during middle school and highschool. He wasn't really a bad kid, he's just over active and has a tendency to get himself in trouble. Now that Highschool has finally come to a close, Richie will insistly be the first to bail out of the Park Crossing's double doors, and finally go to his dream college to pursue his dreams on becoming a film maker. But right after having one last summer together with the people he considers friends. [color=7ea7d8]Miscellaneous:[/color] - Has a full shelf of vintage movies; ranging from tapes, dvds. He fancies himself a collector. - Celine, his step mom gave him his first camera at the age of 10. - Used to make home made movies when he was 14, horror/ slasher types, and at times would have his sister star on it, which she reluctantly agrees to sometimes. -[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWIKQMBBTtk]Mood Music[/url] [/hider] [/quote] Love them! ♥ Accepted and just place them in the character tab whenever you are ready. :) In Richie's secrets section, you called him a her, by the way. lol