Hello my friends! Let me stop you here: [i]If you are not over 18, this is not for you.[/i] Other than that, hello! I'm looking for a male to play with me. The plot I have below is kept vague so we can grow it together and mold it any specific way we want. After all, it is [i]our[/i] game. Throw me your ideas, changes, criticism. I'm very openminded. If you have any interest, PM me, it will catch my attention the quickest. [b]The Irony (Super Hero x Anti-Hero)[/b] -[i]Romance, gore, fighting, 18+[/i] Luster City was no stranger to the iconic rivals. Hell, they made themselves into a tourist trap. Everyone wanted to see the deadly fights. Always neck to neck; getting bloody and nasty. The hero always fought to protect the people, while the anti-hero just took what he want, not caring who got in their way. And everyone soaked it up like a comic book. Sure, the city was teaming with other heroes and villains, all doing what they do best. But Luster City knew these two. But here is a secret... that iconic duo? The rivals? They're best friends from the moment they stepped into their kindergarten class... and they don't even know it. Variants have always lived among us. They were human, essentially, but with extra-human capabilities. Some could simply learn at an exponential rate, while others could leap over mountains, make rain turn into snow, and even possibly create something out of nothing. Every Variant was different, and they were classed by their "human threat level." 1 being high risk, while 4 being a low risk. No one knows what made them come about; just one day, several decades ago, they started popping up without explanation. Most capabilities were hereditary, passed down from generations. Of course there was the esteemed few that were born from human parents, but they generally weren't very strong. [u]--Notes[/u] I'm looking for someone to play the anti-hero. Now, I didn't set a goal for him, so you'd be able to mold your character any way you want. Just keep in mind, the goal you make for him (ie. rebellion against racist humans, destroy the city, whatever) will severely affect the plot. The main premise is one finding out about the other's secret identity and not knowing how to handle the situation. Then we will build from there depending on what the anti-hero's goal is. And of course, throw in the romance. I'm a sucker for it. Questions, concerns, ask.