A rounded, metal surface was the only company Marcus Booker woke up to; the same company he scoured for every night so he could sleep. On the road below, the living dead made their shuffle across the destroyed road; seems as if they were heading towards New Orleans, or so the beaten green sign to Booker's left would put it; [i]New Orleans, 4 miles ahead[/i]. His body ached from the rest. It always does - living conditions aren't [i]really[/i] that idea for hell, now. He managed to get to his feet, looking around the surrounding lands. The area was actually benign for the circumstances. He took his backpack by the strap, sliding it onto his back. He walked down the roof of the van, dropping onto the concrete road. The group of dead had't noticed him; they were ahead, stumbling and shuffling about. He followed behind the party, in near the same manner. He walked with the shuffling of his feet, his head hanged low. Though he unsheathed his machete from his backpack, in case of the walkers catching wind of him. They made it about three minutes before a moan echo'd in his direction. It didn't seem as big of a deal now, though. The party had split and stumbled into the grass and other areas; only around four remained on the road in front of him. Booker didn't have much of a problem out maneuvering the walkers. He slid past one, causing it to stumble somewhere behind him. His machete slammed into the head of another, which cleaved a path for him to walk without trouble, even if he would be followed by the remainders. Somewhere along the way his company disbanded, finding other prey, falling, or getting killed by getting too close to Marcus. His shuffle ground to a halt in front of a similar sign to the one he witnessed back at the van; [i]New Orleans, 1 mile ahead/i]. He waited for several moments, taking in the situation. Would he find supplies? People - and if so would they be friendly? He came to the conclusion that it didn't really make a difference. He took the gamble. He started down the road again, towards the city.