Kat hid silently, unmoving. She watched Hal from where she hid frowning a bit. She didn't know what this man's capabilities were. He was supposed to have protected the princess that either meant he was terrible or he very good and had barely managed to escape. She felt her heart sink as the door to the barn opened. In strode the soldier, curious, and without friends for the time being it seemed. He stood in the door, looking at the bathtub with curiosity. He scratched the back of his head, and walked closer to the tub. He hadn't noticed either of them yet. Kat sat motionless in her hiding spot. Her hand clenched around her dagger as she stared wide eyed at the soldier. She felt like she was frozen in place, everything told her to run, there would be more, but she couldn't. She had been told to hide and she was being obedient. He reached down feeling the water, his nose flaring to the smell of soap. The water was still warm, his hand tightened on his sword as he turned, shaking his hand of the water. He started making his way back to the door, but he still hadn't set eyes on Hal. They were almost in the clear until he paused and looked right at Hal, unmoving, but his eyes narrowed are he looked into the shadows. Kat felt her heart sink, they were going to have to fight, and then run, she was certain of it.