[center][img]https://puu.sh/Bqaji/5bc11f51ce.png[/img][/center] [hr] Gods, for how short the day had begun, it had turned into a complete mess awfully fast. People were feeble things, and living in peace and prosperity for so long softened them. Sometimes the stress would get to them and they’d commit a crime, but in [i]this[/i] scenario, a human was capable of the worst of the worst, even the friendliest of neighbours could turn to murder when put into a sick game like this; it brought out the worst in people, so that only the strongest and purest of them remained. Unless Flare could do something about it. If they wanted to let this group kill each other to find a way out, then Flare would just find a different way. If they wanted to test this group and weed out the weak, Flare would just make every single one of them strong. If they wanted to crush the mentalities of the people here, Flare would just glue them back together. She was going to help in every way she could, and she was going to save them. Of all the people that the kidnappers could find, they just had to get the one that would ruin their plan. That bear picked the wrong girl to mess with and soon they would find out just [i]how[/i] wrong they were. [center][img]https://puu.sh/BqawW/5c24f23d4f.png[/img][/center] [hr] Snow however...When first laying her eyes upon the grotesquely ridiculous bear, she could do nothing but scoff at his words. They were the ravings of a lunatic, nothing to be taken serious...but then she looked around. Everyone was panicking, some were getting angry, and some were probably already plotting things. But of [i]course they[/i] would take Monokuma’s words seriously, it was so like humans to fall for this obvious ruse; idiots… But that meant that they were already considering murdering each other, including Snow. They couldn’t be trusted, for each of them would stab you in the back as soon as they got the chance. As she stood there, getting more paranoid by the second, she looked at the bear once more, biting her nails in frustation and mumbling under her breath. [color=999cc8]“The hell do you want…”[/color] Which Flare just happened to hear, turning her face towards Snow and answering calmly, yet deadly. [color=fbd178]“It’s an experiment. Twisted scientists with no regards to human life who want inhuman answers to satisfy their inhuman questions. just look at that ridiculous bear; it’s obvious these people are toying with us.”[/color] Her words fell on deaf ears though, as all the attention was quickly drawn by Chikako going in guns blazing. It was a kind of boldness and courage that Flare didn’t expect when she first met the girl. Even though their interaction was brief, Flare had quickly grown fond off the sassy attitude, talking with her about parties and even planning one for this group! So seeing her run off like that, Flare couldn’t help but chase after her, warning her not to do anything stupid...unsuccessfully. From several feet away, she saw it all, and stopped moving, her vision blurred as she peered at the blood seeping from that guy...the boy who tried to rally everyone together; he had saved Chikako at his own expense. But that wasn’t why Flare stood there frozen in place; no her eyes were still focused on the blood, almost obsessing over it with a terrified expression on her face; who knew where her thoughts were at the moment, but with every passing second, she seemed to get lost in them more and more. Until she snapped back; when ginshi suddenly shouted for help, Flare almost jumped into the air of shock. But quickly regained her thoughts, which were now focused on one thing. [color=fbd178]“Yes-”[/color] She said as she ran towards the injured party, taking off her jacket and ripping it to pieces. Underneath her jacket was hidden a very peculiar black shirt; the collar was entirely made of black feathers which protruded upwards. In any case, she soon had the jacket laid out into several pieces to serve as bandages. [color=fbd178]“Lay them on the ground carefully, we need to check for exit wounds,”[/color] She proclaimed as she took hold of Chikako to observe her shoulder at multiple angles until she indeed spotted one. [color=fbd178]“Alright that’s good. Any luck with him?”[/color] She questioned Ginshi before carefully tying the bandage around Chikako’s shoulder. [color=fbd178]“We’re gonna need a medical arm sling for that shoulder, and crutches for mister speech, it’s important that you don’t move excessively, as hard as that may be for someone as bouncy as you.”[/color] She smiled at Chikako, an obvious attempt at comforting her. Meanwhile, Snow was just in utter surprise, she knew that this group was quick to turn to panic, but those two were on a wholly different scale. Though the guns didn’t shock her as much as the others, mostly because she was already familiar with them, thinking back to the pier. After observing the crowd one more time to look for any abnormalities, Snow finally turned around to walk away, sifting towards her new handbook for any intel that would give her an edge, and off she went in the direction of the cabins.