[hider=CS] Name: Elim Age: 15 Gender: Female [hider2=Appearance] [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140106232933/grandchase/images/f/f0/Ronan_1st_Job.png] [/hider2] [hider2=Personality] To live you need to possess strength. This rule has literally ruled over Elim's life and thus has become a part of her. She wishes to obtain strength and doesn't care for much else. The strength to live and the strength to triumph over all challenges is what Elim truly desires. Do not think this means she is antisocial or cold though. Quite the opposite actually. Elim is quite outgoing in everything she does, always making sure she does her best. She isn't afraid to show her thoughts and tell people what she really thinks. In fact, she usually doesn't show restraint on this part unless she feels the need to. She can be honest, too honest sometimes. She also doesn't really care much for matters on gender as she wasn't raised or taught to take such things into consideration. Everyone is who they are regardless of gender, thus she doesn't really care for things like romance or relationships. She is too busy with her own goals of obtaining true strength and her goals of revenge. Speaking of which she also is not afraid of fighting either. She never backs out of a challenge, unless she absolutely feels she has to which is rare, and is also not afraid of killing either, especially if it is for her revenge. After all if anyone she fights does die it is because they wished for a death match. She does not like killing, but will do so if she needs to. [/hider2] [hider2=History] Elim's world is more of a backwater world that hasn't seen many of the advances that others have. People still go to and from places either by foot or horse and journeys from place to place can take days or even months depending upon both the route and destination. Unfortunately for the residents of the world of Ithelia this makes travel alot more dangerous since there are many monsters, dangerous animals, and bandits roaming the roads. So in order to travel the roads safely you either needed to possess strength yourself or hire a bodyguard to protect you. Elim's parents were traveling merchants who traveled from place to place. Her older brother was a swordsman who essentially was the strength that protected them during travels from town to town as her parents traded and sold goods. For the first four years of Elim's life this worked out, Elim's older brother protecting his family from whatever monster or creature came their way. Small-time bandits were no match for his skills and things were quite well. That is until they had the misfortune of running into a infamous bandit group known as the Crimson Skull Bandits. Not even her brother's skills were a match for the large numbers they used to attack traveling merchant caravans. He fought his hardest, as did their father, to protect their family from the bandits. Unfortunately twelve pretty skilled bandits versus one skilled swordsman and one not-so skilled merchant were pretty unfavorable odds. Her brother and father were killed and she, her mother, and their goods were all stolen away to the bandit's camp. There was talk of selling Elim and her mother off into slavery, something that was considered one of the worst hells in the entire land of Ithelia since slaves were treated as objects, although it was illegal in many places that didn't mean it wasn't practiced either in places where it was legal nor in places where it was illegal. This talk of the bandits had been overheard by Elim's mother, who wouldn't have her daughter sold into the arms of monsters. So at the risk of her own life she attempted to escape. For the most part she was successful, managing to sneak away from the bandits. Unfortunately the sneaking became running as they ran after her, firing arrows at her as she ran to try and hit her to stop her escape. One managed to make its mark, but Elim's mother pressed on. Her desires to protect her child were stronger than any force and allowed her to keep running despite the arrow wound and while they allowed them to escape from the bandits they did not allow her to survive for much longer after their escape. Her mother died a day after their escape, the two of them being stuck in the wilderness. That was where Elim met 'him'. Her master, a wandering man who never actually revealed his name. He helped the young Elim bury her mother and put her to rest, then convinced the girl to come along with him, which she agreed to do so since she had nowhere else to go. He didn't do this to take Elim in as a daughter or out of pity. No, the man had other reasons. He saw potential in her and wished to pass on his skills to an heir, essentially he took her in as a student. Of course, he didn't start teaching the girl until she was eight since she wasn't ready to learn yet. Seven more years passed after the beginning of Elim's tutoring. Elim had passed on much of his knowledge of combat and magic to her over the seven years. The main thing he passed on though was his Blue Magic, which was more than just magic. It was a power that one had to take in to their body in a ritual only a Blue Mage could perform. Unfortunately he died a month after she turned fifteen thanks to a deadly illness of the heart. She mourned his death, but only for a day. She knew that he wouldn't have wanted her to mourn him for too long, as after his death she had set out to do one of her main goals in life. Revenge. She knew that she couldn't move on with her life until she found the bandit gang that killed her entire family. After half a year her search actually lead her out of Ithelia and to the other worlds. To Lunaris, where she had heard was the best place to start since it was a widely traveled to world. She found someone who was traveling worlds to take her there and now her true journey to search for those who killed her parents begins. Note she disguises herself as a boy so that in case she does run into the group that killed her family so that they won't recognize her and she can get the jump on them. [/hider2] [hider2=Weapon] Elim wields a Rune blade gifted to her by her master. The runes imbued in the blade make it the ultimate weapon for a blue mage. Not only is the blade somewhat sturdier, but it is able to change form and shape. Other than this the sword itself, and whatever it changes into, are just normal weapons. The sword also only changes when Blue Magic is being used if said ability being used with it requires a different kind of weapon. He can change it at will as well without the usage of Blue Magic, but this requires mana and thus it can tire him out if he does it too often, so he will usually keep it as a sword unless he needs a ranged weapon. [/hider2] [hider2=Abilities] Skills: Blue Magic*, Weapon Expertise, Runic*, Rune-Smithing*, MP Haste, Magic Blade* Shotlock: N/A Magic: Fire, Aero, Blizzard Summon: N/A --- Unique Skills All Skills marked with a * are unique or special (like in a FF Wiki). Here are their explanations. Rune Smithing: Learned from her master to imbue runes into weapons to make them stronger and imbue them with magic permanently. Elim can only do this with either any spells he knows or with the same magic that is in his current weapon, a magic that allows it to transform. The strength of the weapon itself determines how much magic it can hold in it. Runic: A mysterious skill imparted to Elim by her master. The user captures magic that hits them in their weapon if they can block it, absorbing a brunt of the magic (and thus negate a brunt of the damage) and converting that into Mana to replenish their own reserves. Elim can still learn the magic absorbed with Runic using Blue Magic this way since he is still feeling and experiencing the magic both in his weapon and within him when he absorbs it for Mana. Note though for this ability to work the user has to see the magic coming as they have to be able to block it with their weapon. Blue Magic: All of the culmination of Elim's skill and ability comes from this one special form of magic. An incredibly rare and mysterious form of magic, Blue Mages do not actually learn any spells on their own. Instead using a special power that they possess they can learn an ability, technique, or spell by experiencing it with their body, whether its good or bad. Of course they only learn it if they survive the ability and stay conscious during it as the Blue Mage has to prove that they are stronger than the ability used upon them and able to handle its power. Completely blocking or avoiding the ability does not work (essentially the user has to be damaged or affected by the ability somehow). Magic Blade: A Skill used by magic knights, one that her master knew but one that Elim did not completely learn at the time. A special Skill great for Blue Mages who acquire a variety of powers and techniques as they fight all different kinds of foes, using these powers and techniques as magic. Elim can put magic into her weapon and with it achieve different affects based upon the magic imbued into the weapon. [/hider2] [/hider]