[@Metronome] This guy look alright? [hider=Brad Masters] [color=8dc73f][b]Name:[/b][/color] Brad Masters [color=8dc73f][b]Age:[/b][/color] 16 [color=8dc73f][b]Gender:[/b][/color] All man, baby [color=8dc73f][b]Role:[/b][/color] Football player (offensive lineman) [color=8dc73f][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Brad is a winner - nothing else matters as long as he is the best, and the other person knows it. Brad goes to extreme lengths in order to secure his position as "the best," and if he can't be the best, he usually doesn't even try. His poor grades and the fact that he was nearly held back last year show this very well. This focus on being the greatest overshadows most other aspects of his life, to the point where he doesn't know what he wants to do when he's an adult, and he refuses to try anything that would hurt his image or challenge people he feel he has a chance of losing to. His main outlet to try his best and earn the adoration that teenagers crave so much takes the form of football, which he has been doing since elementary school thanks to his father's encouragement. Every facet of his life not meant to improve his reputation around school is devoted to weightlifting, practice, and finding ways to put on more muscle mass. He plans all of his meals, and he only has two rest days a week, with people being able to find him in the school's weight room or the football field the vast majority of the time. While he has an intense drive to be the best and it makes him a bit cocky when it comes to things he works at, Brad tries his best to be a kind person, especially since he is all brawn and little brain. It's less that he's charismatic, and more that he is always respectful and helpful to people - well, he is when they aren't on the field. While this initially started as a way to make himself popular and liked, he has found acting this way to be very enjoyable, and it has went from an act into an attitude. If you need help moving some furniture, just throw a 20 his way and Brad will help out. If you offer to do his homework or help him with a project, he'll do pretty much anything. Just don't try to do anything competitive, or he'll quickly change his tune. While Brad is very protective over the things he is good at, he is more than willing to help people train - especially if they are far weaker than him and don't pose a threat to his status. Or, better yet, they ask for help in something he doesn't care about. He may suck at it, but he'll put in just as much effort into the group project as anyone else. [color=8dc73f][b]Other:[/b][/color] Brad, while far from intelligent, carefully counts his calories and is very attention focused when it comes to finding ways to get stronger. He also is very adherent and disciplined, able to stick to a strict training program. Brad is not necessarily attracted to women - he is instead interested in femininity as an ideal. He would rather date a cute trap that wears a skirt than a girl that wouldn't be caught dead in a dress. [hider=Appearance] [center][img]https://instagram.fyip1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/db174983cc491094ca0e3156c108d0f1/5C22AB26/t51.2885-15/e35/25036377_232330503973169_8646134470996393984_n.jpg[/img][/center] Brad typically dresses in either tank tops, form fitting shirts, or jerseys. They are all bright colors, and he especially favors greens, as those are the colors of the school. He usually wears jeans, but he carries a pair of sweatpants in his backpack at all times. His wardrobe is fairly small, all things considered. Brad stands at 6'5, being especially tall for a kid his age - a needed asset when someone plays lineman. The picture above shows him during the summer, where he was on a cut in order to show off his musculature. He now weighs 260 pounds, and while he has a fair bit of body fat now, he is incredibly strong. His voice is deep, but it lacks any real edge - similar to what someone would expect from an old time radio announcer. [/hider] [color=8dc73f][b]History:[/b][/color] Brad Masters was born to a family of champions - and he was always the black sheep. While his older sister and brother skipped two grades (his brother even getting a scholarship from an ivy league school), Brad had always been below average academically. Even his younger sister, a middle schooler, has an easier time doing algebra than he does. As such, Brad was always seen as different from his siblings, and while they didn't feel that way, Brad always thought that they were disappointment in him. He lived his early elementary school years trying to hide his report cards and always hiding when the school calls home because of his grades. It wasn't until he saw his father's football trophies when he realized that there was something he could try and go after, to prove himself. Every day, he would do body weight workouts and after a few months, he finally worked up the courage to ask his father to join the elementary school football team. Very rapidly, it was shown that Brad was very big for a kid his age - he was positive that football was his way to become popular and liked. Brad adopted his "Nice guy" persona the first year of middle school. By this point, he had gone to dozens of games, and he was rapidly getting a big sense of pride. It wasn't until his second year of middle school that he lost a game, against the strongest team in that years league - the West Side Middle Tigers. The final score was 20-8. It was the final game of the season, and the loss had easily shattered Brad's sense of invincibility. His father was of course disappointment, but he never raised his voice or got angry with Brad. For some reason, that only made Brad feel worse. It was then that he decided - if he ever lost as badly as he did that day, Brad would give up on football. More losses came, but the wins always exceeded them, and all the losses were extremely close. Brad's relationship with his siblings and parents grew better by the day, and his younger sister looked up to him as a role model. After winning a state game in his sophomore year of High school on the football team, Brad's father bought him a used truck, a precious tool that Brad treats with the utmost care. Now, it was time to start his Junior year. [/hider]