[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335246741425356802/401123716026859520/Umekodone.png[/img] [@Plank Sinatra] [@Crimmy][/center] [color=4169e1]"You couldn't lose me if you tried. I'm distinctive."[/color] The girl herself beamed, surveying her surroundings with great interest. Some of the other cosplayers caught her eye, a well done costume here, an excellent prop there. Hers were better, of course. She'd been preparing for ages. But it was fun seeing what everyone else did, especially takes on other characters. There were rivals, spinoff stars, minor characters; a vibrant range of enthusiastic cosplayers spread amongst the un-costumed. And then there was the merch. Official convention exclusives, original animation cells, replicas, figures, memorabilia. So much to look at. And decide what was coming home with her. Eventually she re-centered on Brennan, though it didn't take long. Her grin didn't diminish. He looked grumpy. He'd perk up soon. Aaaaand, she wouldn't make him stay long. Just a couple panels. A little merch. Then home. [color=4169e1]"We can go find it together. No panels for a couple hours, and the dealer room doesn't open for another half hour. We'll have to spend some time in line."[/color]