[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ4LmEzYzFhZC5VMjlzSUVkbGNuTm9UM2RwZEhvLC4wAAAA/repetition-demo.regular.png[/img] [sub][color=a3c1ad]┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓[/color] [b][color=a3c1ad]Location:[/color][/b] School [b][color=a3c1ad]Interactions:[/color][/b] Brody [@Helo], Kurt [@Metronome], Irene [@RavensMuse] [b][url=https://youtu.be/TOypSnKFHrE][color=a3c1ad]♫[/color][/url][/b] [color=a3c1ad]┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛[/color][/sub][/center] Brody’s gesture towards Mr. Kovacs doesn’t go unnoticed by Sol, and he lets out a noise halfway between a snort and a laugh that he quickly muffles into his fist. There weren’t many in Vinehurst that would risk tempting the wrath of Mr. Kovacs. Like some kind of Dementor-esque creature, the man seemed to possess an unrelenting urge to suck the joy out of everything he laid his beady, little eyes upon. Thankfully, there [i]were[/i] still a few remaining bastions of courage who dared to stand against his tyranny — Brody being one of them, of course. Sol heads off in a different direction when he gets inside to where his locker was. When he opens it, he’s immediately hit with the overwhelming stench of day-old bologna. The sandwich in question was half-eaten, with sporadic bites taken out of the side. Sol is a little flabbergasted by the discovery, before remembering how [i]he[/i] was the one who left it there just a day prior. With as much delicacy as he could muster, he extricates the sandwich from its perch atop his algebra textbook, and dumps it into the nearest trash can, shuddering in disgust. [i]“Yo, come check this shit out!”[/i] A gaggle of sophomores rush past him, and Sol has to press himself flat against the wall to avoid getting trampled. There was a crowd gathering around the other end of the hallway, though all that shouting made it hard to tell what was happening. Shoving his skateboard into his locker, he slams the door shut before jogging over. He gets there just in time to see Rubin and his lackeys hightail it out of there, the crowd parting around them like the Red Sea. As quickly as it’d formed, the mob was already starting to thin out. Sol supposed they could sense that the show was over. Still, a few stragglers that remained, gawking, and for once, Sol was thankful that he’s tall enough to peer over their heads. [b][color=a3c1ad]“Kurt!”[/color][/b] There’s a brief moment where Sol just freezes, very much akin to a deer in headlights. And then, the realisation that his friend was right there, [i]bleeding[/i] on the floor seemed to jolt him out of his daze. He takes a step towards Kurt, but stops when he sees that Brody was already helping him up. [b][color=a3c1ad]“Dude, are you alright? You look like shit.”[/color][/b] It takes a while for him to notice, but there’s someone else there, too — a redhead with a soft voice, clutching a sketchbook. What was her name again? In that moment, Sol couldn’t quite recall, but whatever it was, she seemed to have good intentions, and that was enough for him. [b][color=a3c1ad]“Yeah, I think he needs something to eat.”[/color][/b] Sol pauses, assessing the state Kurt was in. [b][color=a3c1ad]“Or drink.”[/color][/b] Going to the nurse would’ve been the logical thing to do, but Kurt was as stubborn as a mule. Trying to get him there would undoubtedly be an ordeal, so instead, Sol volunteers to run to the cafeteria and get him [i]like, chocolate milk or something[/i], because Kurt looked to be about two seconds away from passing out. [b][color=a3c1ad]“He’ll be fine.”[/color][/b] Sol refrains from adding an [i]‘I hope’[/i] to the end of that sentence, and shoots Brody a smile he hoped was reassuring. No use freaking out the bystanders, after all. [b][color=a3c1ad]“Right, Brody?”[/color][/b] [b][color=a3c1ad]“I’ll be back! Just don’t die, okay?”[/color][/b] With that, he heads off towards the cafeteria, tossing a worried look over his shoulder as he rounds the corner.