[u][color=a36209][b]Grand Zealot Richter- Children of Atom Vertibird[/b][/color][/u] A brown-painted Vertibird, several passengers in tow, approached the Brotherhood-controlled bunker. Richter stood in the back, wearing a suit of Hellfire Power Armor, also bearing the livery of the Children of Atom. He would never let anyone see it, but he had mixed feelings and was perhaps even a little uneasy about seeing Raven Rock again. It had been his home once, before his disastrous scouting mission brought him to Atom. It was a relief that he did not have to twist his face to display a calm facade, hidden beneath his power armor's distinct helmet. "Grand Zealot, we are in radio range," announced the pilot. "Establishing radio contact with Raven Rock's hangar control." Richter snapped back to reality. "And, radio contact established. It looks like that frequency is still good." It was fortunate that the Verbirds at Adams still had the frequencies to contact hangar control in Raven Rock. The Brotherhood wouldn't be foolish enough to open the hangar's blast doors to anyone with the frequency, but it'd provide a direct line of dialogue with them. "Very good, sister," Richter said, lumbering forward to the cockpit. "Open the channel, I shall speak to them." The pilot pressed a button on the console and nodded. Richter hesitated. He still couldn't believe he was coming home. If anything, it was a relief to know that his old family wasn't waiting for him, and that he wouldn't have to worry about being court-martialed for desertion. John Henry Eden might still be there, but if the Brotherhood was running the place, Eden must have been taken offline or reprogrammed, for he would never work with them. On the other hand, his records would still be in Raven Rock's computer system, and unless Eden erased them at some point, the Brotherhood would sooner or later figure out that he was once with the Enclave. "Raven Rock, this is Grand Zealot Richter with the Children of Atom. Do you copy?" "Raven Rock, on behalf of the Children of Atom, I must speak to a representative of the Brotherhood of Steel regarding your order's return to the Capital Wasteland and your proximity to Fort Constantine. Will you comply?" --- [u][b][color=a36209]Zealot Thiel- Near Fort Independence[/color][/b][/u] Thiel approached Fort Independence, accompanied by three Zealots. They were not a large force, as they did not expect trouble with the Free Commonwealth, but they were well-equipped enough to handle themselves if things went south. Thiel was more concerned about Richter, having gone to confront the Brotherhood of Steel, flying right into a lion's den. Whatever a lion was. "Holster your weapons, brothers, our orders are to come in peace," she commanded. The zealots complied, putting away their radium rifles. She did not want to cause a mishap with their ally so close to the holy city, especially now with the simultaneous mission to Raven Rock. The Zealots marched up to the gate, where the Free Commonwealth's soldiers stood guard. They did not seem particularly alarmed at the small group of zealots, although Thiel could not tell whether it was more due to the soldiers' numerical superiority or the Free Commonwealth's relationship with the Children of Atom. "Atom's blessing to you, Commonwealth allies. I am Zealot Thiel with the Children of Atom, and we have come from the Holy City of Megaton. May we speak to whoever is in charge of this garrison?" [@2sky11][@Elgappa]