[center][h2][color=turquoise][b]The Cereal Killer[/b][/color][/h2][/center] A wide grin slowly crept across the captain's face as he observed his former opponent slowly coming to. Such wonderful news it was to witness! Still, there was something to be said of the man's pride, if Juniper's parting words were any indication, and so Runch thought it best to step aside for a moment in order to let the knight see something other than the face of his heated enemy first. Cyril would likely need to get himself re-acclimated, and didn't need that shock to the system, yes? Erina took notice of the vanguard's stirring as well, pulling herself from her meditation. She could only roll her eyes at the goofy sight of Runch creating a new bowl of cereal off to the side, ready to serve the Knight Sylvestre as a good morning gesture. [hr][hr] [center][h2][color=darkviolet]The Murder[/color][/h2][/center] Samuel had thankfully gotten away from the creatures of blackness summoned by the odd merchant, but the flight had left him hungrier than before. He had thought to hunt and prowl in the night for a potential food source, but once he had caught sight of similar beings creeping around the city streets, he thought better of it. [i][color=darkviolet]This many hunting for me, for such a minor insult? No, it couldn't be. If that being were hunting for me this would be massive overkill, and he didn't seem the sort for that. Which must mean the old man's creatures are searching or something else... Assuming these are related to the ones he sicced on me.[/color][/i] Regardless as to his ponderings, the situation remained unchanged. He would have to camp out on a rooftop until morning, then seek out a meal. Terrorizing people left such a bad taste in his mouth, but... It certainly was better than the alternative. Without another thought, the magician set about perching himself in a suitable location, and let the sweet bliss of sleep drift over him... Samuel awoke early the next morning from a dreamless sleep, the usual situation for creatures of his ilk. Yawning a small bit, he stretched out, losing his balance for a split second, then caught himself remembering where exactly he was. A frown formed on his face. A quick survey told him that the creatures of the night had gone away, a relief in itself, but not without creating some cause for alarm. Either they found what they had been seeking, or could not manifest in the daylight. Even if the latter was true, the chances were that they had discovered anybody he could use as a source of food. Samuel still sensed the kitsune's presence, but she and her... [i]associate[/i] were deemed too dangerous to go after. Even if he fed from their fear, she was definitely the type to retaliate with extreme prejudice. Thus Samuel decided that he would be better off seeking someone else. A large tower in the distance stood out as a noticeable landmark. Heading in that direction would be a good place to start...