Those were the words MindWarp wanted to hear. As for the glass wall problem, well, if the guards of this cell were anything like the guards at her cell, the key would be on their person. Moving back to the unconscious guards, MindWarp rummaged through their pockets and eventually found a key for the glass. Next was finding where it was to be inserted. She found a small metal box right next to the glass wall and flipped open the lid to reveal a keyhole. Inserting the key and turning it to the left, had the glass wall making a hissing sound before it rolled open. “Now that that’s taken care of, let us journey to the security room where you will have free reign with the system. But first, your disguise.” With barely even a blink MindWarp created the illusion of Virus being another security guard, one of the two who were currently unconscious. Speaking of which, MindWarp with the help of Virus, dragged the two guards into the cell and locked them in, before setting out down the hallway. Once they reached the door to the security room, MindWarp motioned to Virus to stay back while she just walked right into the room, closing the door behind her. Mere seconds later, shouts were heard and then sudden silence. MindWarp opened the door and allowed Virus to enter. Inside, the back wall was covered in various screens with a control panel placed right in front of it. As for the supposed guards who had shouted, they were nowhere in sight. However, the small broom closet was most likely the place where the bodies had been stored and the door blocked by a chair. “Before I allow you total free reign, there are a few things I would like you to do. First, hack into the security footage tapes and replace today’s memory with a copy of the memory from two days ago. Second, lock all main entrances into the building. Third, set all alarms to sound in exactly 60 minutes and delay any alarms that sound before the 60 minutes. Now in about… say… ten minutes? The main power will go out, but the generator will kick in, three minutes after that. Makes sure all three of my requests are still in place and then you will be free to do as you please.” All of it was said quite tonelessly as MindWarp merged into a focused and determined demeanour.