[center][h1]Chiyo Kouko[/h1] Golden Quarter, Grocery Side [/center] Gris was indisputably generous when it came to his staff, and Chiyo, but his shortcoming was the overprotective/cautious nature that had him fret over the youbg ladies well being rather than let Chiyo prove she could defend herself. Rather easily in most cases. Dangerous people lurked closely so there was no real blame to be had but Chiyo still found it to be suffocating. Waving the Oni gentleman politely, Chiyo excused herself under the pretense of exploring the marketplace by herself and assuring Gris she would come running if trouble came her way. (Or if a sweets shop took her interest) The large man told to accompany her was deftly left behind in the crowd by the energetic young girl who ran off with a playful but very fake smile. There was business to be done today and it didn't involve playing with vegetables or snot nosed brats. [hr] [@BrokenPromise] [i]The Slums[/i] Like the name of this wing of the city suggested, every building was run down and boarded up. The people down in these parts were poor and wore rwgged clothinf to match their dilapidated homes. Having lived in these conditions nearly her entire life it always felt like Chiyo had come home to the docks.. this place even had a similar stench to it. Walking down the streets, dressed in stolen clothing from a clothes line she had come across, the young woman marched with caution. Her 'new' dress was a plain gray color with a few various splotches of mud still staining the fabric. Her shoes had been replaced with worn down straw sandals, dirt from rolling around in a patch of grass gave the appearance of a poor citizen more credit. The meeting spot itself was an abandoned home far in the center of the slums. Perched cautiously against the wall of said building, Chiyo leaned on with no outwardly concern to any that looked on. Inside, she was on edge. Alert and tense. Ready to strike. The others would arrive soon.