[Center][h2][color=f7941d]Aki[/color][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SAsfRaI.png[/img] [color=6ecff6]location:[/color] The Golden Quarter [@Tenma Tendo][@Ryofu][@Rune_Alchemist][@BrokenPromise][@Crusader Lord][/center] Aki seemed more dog then human when Chieko was patting her on the head, Aki was really enjoying it seeing from the expression on her face. Chieko was suddenly startled however by the filthy feeling of her hand being covered in mud and the likeness. Aki wonderingly stared up at the girl as she stopped with patting to look at her hand. Was something wrong? Chieko mentioned Aki her hair being quite dirty which it was. Aki felt the back of her hair to compare it with Chieko her reaction but was honestly a little confused. Aki understood it was not near noble hair but at least she had done the best with what she had. Aki gave a quilted look towards Chieko. [center]"I washed it with water yesterday... I-I can't really get it my hair cleaner then this..."[/center] Trouble Aki glared down at the ground not knowing what else she was suppose to do as to get her hair any more clean then this. Chieko mentioned however that she would be willing to wash Aki her hair so that she could be fresh and nice again. Aki brightened up in joy as she heard Chieko would want to help her wash it. Her eyes glittered at the face of Chieko as suddenly someone else came up and pulled on the ear of poor Chieko. Aki watched in silence as the chuuni girl got her punishment. Chieko was trying to get away from her but it didn't even seem plausible. The new girl briefly mentioned towards Chieko that she might be rude by just petting Aki on the head just like that. Aki was quick to respond to clear the awkwardness between them. [center]"Ah! No! It was no problem at all, please don't feel bad about it! It actually felt quite nice hehehe..."[/center] Aerith did come back to them after a moment of moving Chieko away from them to apologize to them and explain the situation they were in. So they were foreigners after all just like they guessed. Aki her amazement only grew for these people. At least she knew the names of these people now from Aerith, she would remember. Eiko placed a hand on Aki her shoulder indicating they should be leaving, Aki kind of stared at Eiko for a moment before she asked the new girl another question and a good one at that! Aki her eyes immediately shined as bright as the sun once more. [center]"Tell us, tell us! We want to know! Do they have good food there!"[/center] And just like that Irene suddenly showed up in front of the three. Aki was taken off guard by the sudden appearance of the noble like girl. She knew this person! Irene softly patted Aki her head, Aki was in heaven again by the soft hands of the girl. Pleasingly she smiled at Irene. [center]"Long time no see! Yes, This is Eiko-chan!"[/center] Aki [s]wagged her tail[/s] as Irene kept at it for a bit. She would see her at some of her shows from time to time but it has been a long while ago since she last saw her. It was kind of a relief to see her still alive, she must have been doing something off her own for some time now then!